Morning sickness will make pregnant women have
difficulty in eating and daily life. Is there any way to help them feel more
According to statistics, 2/3 of women have
morning sickness in the first 3 months. Morning sickness will have some
symptoms such as tired, nauseating, vomiting and irritability. Is there any way
to help you feel more comfortable? Mothers can refer to 10 following tips:
Supplement vitamin B6
People proved that Zn and vitamin B6 can
prevent morning sickness effectively. Consequently, if you feel uncomfortable
with symptoms of morning sickness, you should ask for doctor’s advice to use
the mixture of Zn and vitamin B6.
Listen to music every morning
Although we don’t have any evidences about
the relationship between ears and stomach, pregnant women share that they often
listen to music every morning after waking up to forget the feeling of
nauseating. People consider that when brain thinks about something, it will
also make people’s activities take place similarly. Therefore, when brain is
affected by sound that you like, you will also forget the feeling of
nauseating. Mothers can try this way!

to music every morning after waking up will help pregnant women forget the
feeling of nauseating.
Use ginger tea or mint tea
People encourage pregnant women to use
these 2 kinds of tea to reduce morning sickness’s symptoms. You can try a glass
of ginger or mint tea after you wake up or you can hold candies in your mouth
with smell of these 2 herbal remedies. As a result, you will reduce the feeling
of morning sickness.

tea helps you reduce morning sickness’s symptoms.
Take notes
You can rewrite all of your changes in a
day. When do you have morning sickness seriously? When do you want to eat most?
When do you feel most tired? This thing will help pregnant women know their
schedule of health so that they can supplement nutrients and avoid foods that
they shouldn’t eat at the time they often nauseate.
Try to acupuncture
According to some recent researches,
acupuncturing will help reduce morning sickness state effectively. However,
this thing must be done by medical experts and you should find out carefully
before doing it.
Use vinegar or fresh lemon
In pregnancy, saliva will appear more in
your mouth and this thing make morning sickness become more serious. To avoid
this phenomenon, pregnant women can mix 1-2 spoons of apple vinegar or some
drops of lemon with warm water and drink in the morning. Sour taste in vinegar
and lemon will make your mouth drier and help reduce the feeling of nauseating.
Don’t forget to walk
According to a recent research, when
pregnant women do exercise outside, sunlight will help them reduce some bad
symptoms in pregnancy such as heartburn and nauseating. You should move more in
your office and do exercise in every morning and evening. This thing will help
you feel more comfortable.

will help pregnant women feel more comfortable.
Drink enough water every day
Water always makes our body vitality and
drinking water will prevent dehydrating state. In pregnancy, dehydrating state
can make you get headache, ability of keeping water, nauseating, cramp, edema
and vertigo. Water is especially important in the first 3 months of pregnancy when
dehydrating state can stimulate womb pulsate and it can lead to miscarriage.
According to obstetrical experts, in summer, pregnant women should drink 2-2.5
liters of water a day.

women should drink 2-2.5 liters of water a day.
Take a lot of rest
To avoid vertigo, you should try to move
out of your bed slowly in the morning. You should take a lot of rest and avoid
stress because morning sickness’s symptoms seem to be more serious if you feel
tired and worry.
Use kinds of attar
A slice of lemon’s or grapefruit’s smell
will help you reduce the serious symptoms of morning sickness and it can even
prevent morning sickness. You can use some kinds of attar such as lavender, mandarin
and tea’s oil. Using flavoring will help you relax. However, you also need to
know that you shouldn’t use some important oils such as almond, saffron flour,
parsley and cinnamon because they are poisonous.