Banish your trouble spots with our moves and toning tricks
Let’s face it, for the majority of women,
the thought of wearing a bikini stirs up feelings of dread, fear and anxiety.
Unless you’re planning on doing a Nigella Lawson this summer – hitting the
beach covered head to toe in a burkini – it’s likely you’ll be bearing flesh in
a bikini, tankini or swimming cozzie.

According to a poll by gym chain LA
Fitness, women are most critical of their bodies at this time of year; 60 per
cent of us are so self-conscious about our tummies, we suck them in on holiday,
while 16 per cent hate their thighs and legs, 21 per cent think bingo wings are
the most unflattering part of a woman’s body and seven per cent dislike their
bust. If holiday D-Day is burning a hole in your diary, waste no time in
setting yourself a bikini shape-up challenge. ‘You can most definitely drop a
dress size and tone up in four to six weeks,’ says Daybreak fitness expert Dee
Thresher. ‘If you aim to shift an average of one to two pounds per week, or
half a stone during this time, you’ll lose a good two inches off your problem
areas too, read on for out favorite moves, toning products and styles, to get
you brimming with confidence in no time.
And if you need extra reassurance before
hitting the beach, when it comes to unsightly beach bodies, the same LA Fitness
poll found that it’s mea who have the raw deal – both sexes think men wearing
Speedos and sporting a beer gut is the MOST unflattering sight on the beack!
Beach bum
Lift and tone your bottom from every

and tone your bottom from every angle
Work it:
Tthe right exercises can lift, shape and
firm up your bottom in no time. A mix of cardio and body weight exercise is the
key. Jumping squats are a great bottom-boosting move, says Dee Thresher. Build
up a repertoire that engages the biggest muscle in your body – the glutes
Donkey kick

glutes, abdominals and lower back.
Start on your hands and knees with your
hands below your shoulders and hips and knees aligned. Don’t dip or raise your
head – keep your spine straight.
Engaging your abs, lift your right leg up,
knee bent and foot pointed to the ceiling (a). Hold, then extend the leg
further upwards. (b)
Return to the starting position, then
switch to the left leg. Aim to do between eight and 15 reps.
Cheat it:
To get skin as soft as a baby’s bottom,
it’s important to regularly exfoliate. We love Origins Incredible Spreadable
Scrub ($19; Exfoliating or dry body brushing will boost
circulation, even out skin tone and improve elasticity.
Follow this with a firming moisturizer,
such as L’Oréal Paris Body Expertise Sculpt Up (200ml for $15,, and
you’ll be ready for your bikini in no time. This cream promises to moisturise
and tighten skin in a flash. It contains Gingko and caffeine to give an instant
firming sensation. Described a shaving a ‘girdle-effect’ it’s like wearing
invisible spanx!