Heart disease is one of the diseases
that have high risk of death and are dangerous to women.
Women that are 50 years old have the high
risk of death because their heart attacks are higher than men having the same
age. Recognizing signs that warn heart attack will help you treat early and
restoring ability will be faster.
Mrs. Martha Gulati, medical associate
professor at Heart Office in Ohio University, co-author of the book Saving
Women’s Hearts, shares about this disease: “Heart disease is one of the
diseases that have the risk of death and are dangerous to women”.

disease can threaten women’s health.
Risk of death because of women’s heart disease is higher
than men’s
Symptoms that appear to women aren’t obvious
because it isn’t paid attention and detected on time – 43% of women don’t know
classical symptoms, for example, pain in chest (often relates to heart attack
directly). Moreover, women that are over 50 years old have the double risk of
death than men with the same age.

of women don’t know classical symptoms of heart disease, for example pain in
The following normal symptoms can help you
pay attention. If you are spending one or many among these symptoms, you should
go to hospital to check as soon as possible.
Light and quick attacks
Instead of pain in chest, you can feel
intense pain or the whole chest. In some other areas such as back, neck,
shoulder, jaw, pain and uncomfortable feeling can take place.
Feeling tired regularly
Sign that warns heart disease and appearance
of diseases about heart is that you often feel tired with unstable frequency.
Over 70% of women that spent heart attack said that they often had sign of flu
in previous days or weeks.
Having difficulty in breathing
Nearly 58% of women say that sign about
having difficulty in breathing or breathing hard without a clear reason when
heart attack appears.
Disorder in sleep
Half of women that spent heart attack
shared that they used to lose sleep, have disorder in sleep without knowing any
reason or wake up in the middle of night.

of women that spent heart attack used to lose sleep, have disorder in sleep.
Sweating a lot
Cold sweat appears to women and then heart
attack will happen. Pallid, death pale face, cold skin and wetness because of a
lot sweat are accompanied signs of heart disease.
Nausea or being dazzled
Before a heart attack, you can have the
feeling of feeling dizzy, tired torpid, weak and even nauseating.