Most of people consider coffee grounds are
worthless. In fact, coffee grounds many surprising effects, such as gardening,
preventing insects, skin care, smoothing hair and deodorant.
Coffee grounds are used for gardening
popularly as it is as well fertilizer. When being blended with other nutrients
of the soil, coffee grounds will make the soil more fertile and acidic. The
tree will strongly grow in the acidic soil since they can receive more
nutrients from the soil. If you have a coffee grounds, keep them and make your
garden lush all year.

grounds are used for gardening popularly as it is as well fertilizer
Combing pet’s hair
Blend coffee grounds with a little bit of
water and you will have a pet beauty solution. As you apply the solution on
pet’s hair, it will help the hair to be soft and have better color. Moreover,
many people think that coffee grounds can get rid of fleas or other parasites.
Deodorizing refrigerator
Storing foods can make the refrigerator
have bad smell. In that case, there’s a simple method which is putting a bowl
of coffee grounds in a refrigerator and let it absorb all the unwanted smells.

a bowl of coffee grounds in a refrigerator and let it absorb all the unwanted
Similarly, you can use coffee grounds to
deodorize bathroom and long-day food containers. After cutting onion, garlic or
doing fish, if you can’t remove the uncomfortable smell in the hands, you
should rub some coffee grounds; the smell will be gone immediately. If you want
to deodorize bad body’s smell, put coffee grounds in a fabric cell and rub on
the body while bathing or showering.
Orientating pets to a certain toilet
If you love your pets but don’t know how to
make them go to a certain toilet, it’s very simple that you should just need to
blend coffee grounds with orange peel and put the combination outside in the
garden. The scent that is so different from toilet standard of the pets will
attract them to come.
Removing dead cells
It sounds silly but is an effective idea.
The caffeine in coffee grounds can increase the level of blood and have effects
on treating rough skin which has grease buildup or stretches, due to lacking
skin elasticity, and shrinking pores… Therefore, a part from making you stay
sound of mind, the substance can bring vitality to the skin.

should apply coffee grounds with olive oil or just coffee grounds on your face
and relax in 30 minutes before washing it clean.
For that reason, you should apply coffee
grounds with olive oil or just coffee grounds on your face and relax in 30
minutes before washing it clean. To oily skin you can blend coffee grounds with
yogurt before applying on the skin. In summer, you can use coffee grounds as
cleanser. Remember to wash the face and apply sunscreen on it before going
outside in order to have a soft skin protected from the sunlight.
Deodorizing shoes
As you get home after work, your shoes and
feet must be so stinky that you don’t feel confident wearing them the following
day. Put some coffee grounds into the shoes to have your shoes deodorized. If
you want to get rid of the bad smell of your feet, you can wash the feet with
water that is blended with coffee grounds every day. Rub coffee grounds on the
armpit to treat armpit smell.
Methods for a shiny hair
There’s no better way to take care of a
soft and smooth hair than using coffee grounds. Coffee grounds are like a
wonderful natural hair condition. To do the method, you should wet your hair
then apply coffee grounds on it. It’ll take a while for the absorption; after
that, you can wash your hair with water.
Insects like ants and wood louses can cause
lots of trouble to your clothes. In the situation, rub a few coffee grounds on
your wardrobe and those insects will disappear. That’s because ants don’t like
the smell and properties of coffee.

don’t like the smell and properties of coffee.
Cleaning bottle
Bottles that have narrow mouths are
difficult to be cleaned by hands so you should put a few coffee grounds in
them, add water and shake them till they’re clean.
If you blend coffee grounds with hot water,
you will have a brown dye for cloth, artwork or other applications.