Do you have sensitive soles? Is heel skin
too hard? That is a common symptom when walking frequently, walking routine can
destroy your feet in the long time and make training process becomes painful.
Here are tips for your foot problems.

runner’s pedicure
1. Bruised toenails
The problem causes by wearing unfit shoes
(too tight or too wide), making the toes rubbing inside the shoe. If toenails
are pulled back constantly with nail tissue, the bruises will quickly formed
beneath the nail. Nails - especially the toe - will have yellow and black color
and hardened with the influence of keratin production.
Fixing toe nails turned blue when they are
still soft (both at bath). Cut toenails straightly in direction, leaving the
two sides to the nail area grows even more, soaking feet in bowl of warm water
with half cup of Epsom salts to relieve pain, softens skin and kill bacteria.
Apply some oil rich in vitamin E to nourish the nail on the nail tissue. If the
nail is bruised symptoms worsen and you have the courage, let's nail pierced
with a sterilized needle to relieve pressure on the nail, apply a little cream
to the area disinfected the wound to prevent infection.
2. Foot skin is hardened
Skin is hard and calloused because your
feet are under high pressure or friction, these forces are often put on the
heel, beside the ball muscle area. Calloused skin makes your legs less
supple and annoys you when running.
Apply the moisturizing cosmetic exfoliation
for your feet every day to prevent calluses. Thick skin can protect your feet
from the burns, so do not let the foot-care staff remove it, but we should
remove the dead skin only. Remember that thick skin layer will be renewed
regularly, so you need to soften feet skin with moisturizer. Besides, you
should meet the expert immediately if the calloused skin is chapping or hurt
3. Burned feet
Blister and burn are result of the friction
process. They injure the external cuticle of the leg, forming a fluid-filled
small blister. They are painful and make you stop training. A sweaty or wet foot
into a tight shoe creates the ideal environment for developing blistering.
Do not tear the blistering skin, because
when the next blister layer develops, the initial blister layer helps prevent
water, dirt, bacteria, making the wound heal faster. If the blister is torn,
wash them with clean water and soap, apply some disinfection ointment before
using a gel compound for foot protection. To prevent blistering evidence, you
should avoid cotton socks because they hold moisture for a long time, instead, let
use sport socks with two layers of fabrics. Besides, do not forget to apply a little
Vaseline on the feet before wearing socks to prevent friction.

runner’s pedicure