According to health professionals,
the symptoms of fatigue in some people may be originated from mental and
physical causes.
Here are 14 causes considered to be the
most popular ones that cause fatigue mood and the resolve it:
Not getting enough sleep
Lack of sleep is considered as a certain
cause for fatigue. This situation can have the negative effect to your
concentration and health. According to experts, adults need to have enough
sleep, which is about 7-8 hours every night.

of sleep is considered as a certain cause for fatigue. This situation can have
the negative effect to your concentration and health.
You need to arrange your timetable so that
the sleep is set as a top priority. You shouldn’t use laptop, cellphones or
other electrical equipment when getting on your bed. After applying the above
methods, if you still toss and turn in bed or have trouble sleeping, find help
from doctors as you may have sleep disorder.
Sleep apnea
A lot of people think that the regularly
have enough sleep. But, sometimes they don’t mind the effect of Sleep apnea
when sleeping. This state makes them stop breathing for several times in one
night. Each time apnea will wake them up for a while. The result, of course, is
lack of sleep although they have spent enough 8 hours on bed.
To prevent this, you should reduce weight
if you’re in the excess weight type, stop smoking and use breathing aids so as
to make the respiratory process during sleep happens normally.
Lack of energy
When you eat too
little, this state can cause fatigue mood. But eating nutrient poor food is
also a problem. You need to apply a nutrient balance diet to make the blood
sugar stable and prevent torpid state which happens when the blood sugar in the
body drops.

state of eating too little also causes fatigue mood, but eating nutrient poor
foods is also a problem.
To prevent this, you need to make sure that
you have breakfast and supplement enough protein as well as kinds of
carbohydrate in your meal. Besides, you should regularly have snacks during the
day in order to supplement enough energy for your body.
According to experts, anemia is the leading
cause for fatigue in women. Anemia during periods may lead to the lack of iron
which makes women easier to face the risk of anemia. Red blood cells are essential
as they have the function which is to transport oxygen to the cells and
important organs in the body. Therefore, anemia will have negative effect on
the overall function of the body.
To prevent anemia due to lack of iron, you
need to provide additional components or eat foods rich in iron such as lean
meat, liver, shrimp, crab, peas and grains…
You may think that depression is the same
as emotional disturbance; however, it also causes many other physical
expressions such as tiredness, headache and loss of appetite. If you feel that
this state lasts longer than 2 weeks, go to the hospital to have a check-up.
To prevent, you need to use psychotherapy
or use antidepressants.
Decreased thyroid function
Thyroid is a small gland found in the neck.
It has the function of controlling the body’s metabolic process as well as the
speed of converting food into energy. When the thyroid has inefficient
operations, the metabolic speed happen slower than normal and you can have a
feeling of drowsiness and weight gain.
In this situation, you need to have a blood
test to define whether the hormones in Thyroid gland are decreased or not. To
prevent this, you need to supplement your body with synthetic hormones in order
to speed up the metabolic process, and at that time, your fatigue will be over.
Consume lots of caffeine
When consuming caffeine with a proper
amount, you can increase the consciousness and maintain your concentration.
However, if you consume too much caffeine, heat rate and blood pressure can
increase to a high level, concurrently, neurasthenia will appear. Researches
show that too much caffeine consumption really causes tiredness to many people.
To stop this, cut the amount of caffeine
consumed from coffee, tea, chocolate, mild wines and caffeine-contained foods.
You shouldn’t stop this suddenly because your body will have to face caffeine
withdrawal symptoms which can make your body more tired.
Urinary tract infections
If you use to have Urinary tract
infections, you can get used to the burning pain sensation during urination.
However, Urinary tract infections not only cause obvious symptoms. In several
cases, the sick can have these symptoms together with tired expression. Through
urine test, doctors can define whether you have urinary tract infections or
To treat it, you need to have antibiotics
and the fatigue mood will be over within one week later.
People who have diabetes usually have
abnormal-blood-glucose-levels, whereas, that amount of sugar are supposed to
stay in the cells where it can be converted into energy. The result is that your
body will be exhausted although you have supplemented your body with enough
amount of sugar every day. If you feel tired and can’t explain the reason for
that feeling, go to the hospital to have a blood test and see if you have
diabetes or not in order to treat opportunely.
To prevent, you should change your
lifestyle, diet, do exercise, apply insulin therapy and take medications to
support the body on processing and tolerating sugar effectively.
Your fatigue may be a warning sign for body’s
dehydration. Whenever you work, indoors or outdoors, you need to supplement
your body with water to help the organs inside your body operate efficiently
and stay cool. When you feel thirsty, you have dehydration.

need to supplement your body with water to help the organs inside your body
operate efficiently and stay cool.
To prevent, you should drink enough water
during a day. And the way to identify that your body has enough water is that
your urine will be pure or light yellow. Drink at least 2 glass of water within
each hour and drink more before beginning to do physical exercise. Besides, you
need to drink more during exercising and drink 2 more glasses after finishing
the exercise.
Heart diseases
If fatigue attacks while you are doing
things such as wipe the floor or go upstairs, this is a symptom of heart
diseases and you need to stop working immediately. If you feel that it’s too
hard to do a task which used to be easy to you before, go to the hospital to
have your body check and treat as you may have heart diseases.
To treat this, you need to change your life
style, take medications and apply cures in order to help you to control the
state of illness and recover.
Sleeping disorder

The state of working at night or changing
the shift in turns can disrupt the body's circadian rhythm. You can feel tired
at the time supposed to maintain the consciousness at night; at the same time,
you will have sleeping troubles on the next day.
To treat this, you need to limit your
exposure to sunlight while resting. Create darkness, quietness and coolness to
your bedroom. After doing these methods, if you still have trouble sleeping,
discuss with your doctor. Foods and medication s may be beneficial to you.
Food allergy
Experts believe that implicit food allergy
may make you feel sleepy. If the fatigue increase after meals, you may have
affected by the reaction happens when your body doesn’t tolerate something that
you’ve eaten but this reaction is not strong enough to cause irritation or hives,
it just causes fatigue.
To stop this, you need to eliminate the
foods that increase your tiredness after eating. You can also consult the
doctor about the methods to check food allergy to identify the cause correctly.
Aches all over the body
In case you are tired, the state of which
lasts more than 6 months and the level of which is so serious that you can’t
carry out daily activities, you may have chronic fatigue syndrome or body aches
syndrome. Both of these syndromes cause many expressions but you can see the
prolonged fatigue.
As we don’t have treatments for chronic
fatigue syndrome or body ache syndrome, the change in daily routine may bring
back some benefits. Concurrently, you need to carry out habits which help you
to sleep well and begin to do gentle exercise.