Strengthen your tummy muscles to improve
your core strength and control
Roll back with band
This move helps you build core strength and
increases muscle control, which will improve your body’s overall range of
How to do it
Begin by sitting up tall. Bend your knees and
point your toes towards the ceiling. Place a band around the bottom of your
feet and grab hold of the free ands, keeping your elbows bent slightly and at
your side.
Exhaling, squeeze your bottom and slowly roll
your spine half way down to the floor.
Hold this position, breathe in and feel your
abdominal muscle contract. Breathe out and slowly roll back up to the stating
Repeat this move up to eight times.
Chest: open
your chest and maintain a wide pose through your body
squeeze your bottom to help lower your back
Feet: keep
your feet flexed and your heels on the floor throughout the move
H&F tip:
Place a pillow or small cushion between your knees to target your inner thighs.

back with band
Make it harder
For more of a challenge, let go of the band
as you reach the half-way point, and lower your body to the floor gently.
Breathe in as you reach the floor. Exhale as you lift your body back up. Aim to
maintain good form, and use the strength from your tummy muscles to lift your
body up.

it harder
Make it easier
For an easier variation, move your feet
further apart and away from your body. The further away your feet are, the less
challenging the move will be. As your strength increases, move your feet closer
together to up the difficulty level