Perform all moves in circuit A back to
back, then have a 35-second rest. Repeat three more times, resting for 35
seconds after each circuit. Then perform circuit B back to back, take a
35-second rest and repeat, with rests, three more times.
Circuit A
1. Skipping
Area trained: Cardio

Holding the handles of the rope at
around waist height, swing the rope around one turn for each jump.
Land lightly on the balls of your
feet with your knees slightly bent.
40 seconds
Safety Tip
Keep your shoulders back and your body
2. Bicycle Crunch
Areas trained: Waist, stomach

Lie on your back with your legs
extended, feet slightly off the ground and hands at your temples.
Bring your right knee into your chest
while taking your left shoulder off the floor and twisting your upper body so
your elbow meets your knee.
Immediately switch sides and twist
the opposite way, bringing your left knee into your elbow. Continue the motion
15 seconds
Safety Tip
Make sure you twist your upper body rather
than your arms to bring your elbow to your knee
3. Skater Jump
Areas trained: Inner thighs, bottom, waist

Start standing on your right leg.
Take a big leap to the left, landing softly on your left leg and leaning your
upper body to the left. At the same time, bring your right foot up behind you
to touch it with your left hand.
Without putting your right foot down,
leap across to the right and repeat the action on the opposite side.
Continue to perform the move fluidly
so you never have both feet on the ground at any one time.
15 seconds
Safety Tip
Don’t lean your body forward or backward
when touching your foot
4. Press-Up Burpee
Areas trained: Bottom, thighs, chest, rear
upper arms, core, shoulders

Crouch down and rest your hands on
the floor.
Jump both feet back into plank
Keeping your body in a straight line,
bend your elbows and lower your chest to the floor.
Push back up by straightening your
Then jump forward into the starting
Jump up as high as you can, landing
softly with knees bent. Repeat.
15 seconds
Safety Tip
Keep your core tight throughout the
Circuit B
1. Skipping
As before.
40 seconds

2. Curl And Press
Areas trained: Front upper arms, shoulders
Stand with your feet hip-width apart,
holding a dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended by your sides and palms
facing forward.
Keeping your upper arms close to your
sides, curl the dumbbells up to your shoulders.
Extend your arms and push the dumbbells
up toward the ceiling while rotating your grip so your palms are facing forward
Reverse the movement to lower back to
the start position and repeat.
15 seconds
Safety Tip
Don’t allow your lower back to arch
3. Jumping Lunge
Areas trained: Legs, bottom, core
Stand with your feet about hip-width
apart. Take a large step with your left leg and lunge down so both legs are
bent to a 90-degree angle.
Jump up as high as you can, switching
your legs in mid-air so you land softly in a lunge, with the right leg forward.
Continue alternating legs as you jump.
15 seconds
Safety Tip
Don’t let your front knee go over your toes
4. Plank Push
Areas trained: Core, stomach, shoulders

Begin in plank position with your
forearms resting on a stability ball and your elbows close to your body. Keep
your feet on the floor, slightly apart, and your body in a straight line.
Keeping your body still, slightly
extend your arms to edge the stability ball away from you. Roll the ball back and
15 seconds
Safety Tip
Don’t let your hips sag