Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes
can be a shock, but it cloud also turn out to be a long-term boon for you and
your baby
Besides being an “older” mom
Cecilia Paetsch had no risk factors for
gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM, or high blood sugar during pregnancy). “I
thought it was really only a concern for obese women, and my weight wasn’t an
issue,” says the 35-year-old attorney from Northbrook, 111. “I was also
pretty conscientious about what I ate, and somewhat consistent about
exercise, so I figured I was in the clear.” Paetsch’s pregnancy was normal and
routine—until she was diagnosed last year with GDM at week 25.

exercise can keep GDM in check
Paetsch is one of a growing number of women
being diagnosed with GDM, which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention reports now affects 2 percent to 10 percent of expectant women. In
2011, the American Diabetes Association endorsed lowering the threshold for
diagnosis, but most OB-GYNs are still utilizing the old standard. If the
proposed new criteria are used, the number of women diagnosed with GDM could
jump to 18 percent—nearly 1 in 5, says Mark Landon, M.D., chairman of the
department of obstetrics and gynecology at The Ohio State University Wexner
Medical Center in Columbus.
GDM develops when hormones from the
placenta compromise a woman’s ability to use the insulin produced by her
pancreas. Though most women compensate by producing extra insulin to break
down glucose (blood sugar) for energy, some can’t; their excess glucose builds
up in their blood and passes through the placenta to the fetus. Recent studies
indicate GDM can have long-term consequences for mothers and children and that
it poses risks at lower blood-sugar levels than previously thought, says
Landon, the lead author of a large 2009 study published in The New England
Journal of Medicine that demonstrated clear benefits to treating even mild
cases of GDM.
Long-term risks to moms and babies

GDM diet includes plenty of fresh produce
In many pregnancies affected by GDM, the
baby absorbs the mother’s glucose and grows bigger than he or she should, and
a Cesarean section is often necessary. In others, the baby is underdeveloped and
has a low birth weight. Babies born to mothers with GDM may also have problems
with breathing, low glucose levels or jaundice. After delivery, the mom’s blood
sugar levels typically revert to normal, but according to a study of nearly
10,000 mother-child pairs, this may not be the end of the story for either mom
or baby.
Researchers at Kaiser Permanente Center for
Health Research in Portland, Ore., and Hawaii found that the higher a mother’s
blood sugar was during pregnancy, the more likely her baby would be overweight
by age 7. “Quite a few studies have shown that if you’re overweight at ages 5
to 7, you’re much more likely to be overweight as an adult,” says
endocrinologist Teresa Hillier, M.D., the study’s lead author. Hillier found an
increased risk of childhood obesity even among GDM babies who weren’t large at
birth. “To me, that suggests something has been metabolically changed that
allows the baby to more easily store fat,” she says.
Among women diagnosed with GDM, 50 percent
will develop type diabetes within five to eight years, and 70 percent to 85
percent will develop the disease during their lifetimes, says Boyd E. Metzger,
M.D., a professor of medicine and endocrinology at Northwestern University
Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago (see “Life After Gestational Diabetes,”
pg. 37). The National Diabetes Education Program and the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently joined together to state that women
who have GDM (as well as their children) should be followed closely after
childbirth to monitor—and minimize—their risk of developing diabetes.
In addition, a 2012 study published in the
journal Circulation found that having had GDM boosted a 50-year-old
woman’s 10-year heart disease risk by 26 percent. Researchers suggest that
women with GDM might need to have their blood pressure as well as their blood
sugar checked more regularly as they get older.