We usually get into the situation of sitting
next to a person with a running nose, or flu or coughing, and you doubt that
you will be the next victim. The fact is you catch the flu no because of you
don’t prevent it, but the bacteria appear everywhere. However, you can prevent
the flu easily with some tips
Wash hands many times

your hands carefully and frequently.
The top solution protecting you from the
flu is washing your hands carefully and frequently with some soap and clean
water. You should rub your palms hard, fingers and backs of hands in at least
20 seconds. If there is not a restroom, wash your hands quickly with 60%
Humidify the air
Humid air can do harm to flu viruses.
Scientists don’t figure out the reason why but there is a fact that the
particles containing viruses float more easily in dry air, which helps the
viruses to live longer. In humid environment, these particles become heavier
and fall down to the ground. Therefore, invest in an air-humidifying machine
and maintain 40-60% humidity.
Avoid drinking too much wine
Wine may weaken the function of leukocytes
against the invasion of viruses within 24 hours after you are drunk. Therefore,
you should cut down on drinking when you catch the flu.
Sleep more
People who sleep fewer than 7 hours per
night stand 3 times higher chance than people sleeping more than 8 hours. When
you don’t sleep, your body releases a lot of cytokines – a protein which
stimulate flu symptoms when you catch it.

Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits
Find the anti-oxidization food in
bright-colored vegetables and fruits, and it’s good for your immunity. They destroy
the free roots which are harmful to immunity. You can eat more red beans, or baccate
fruit (the brighter the fruit is, more anti-oxidization compound it contains)
and drink green tea.
A virus life cycle
When you catch the flu, you may experience these
Day 1
Someone coughs and sneezes and the viruses
are brought to the trolley handle of a shopping mall. You take the handle and
bring the viruses to your dinner. You rub your eyes or pick your nose, and this
is the chance for viruses to enter your respiratory system. Now, in nose
cavity, viruses start to multiply quickly and lock the acute immunity system.
Day 2
You feel normal while the viruses invade
throughout your lung. At this time, you can infect others.
Day 4
You realize it with symptoms such as:
running nose, coughing – the most visible symptoms caused by viruses’ attack
immunity system. If you can’t get rid out of these symptoms completely, relax,
drip-feed and wait.
Day 5
If you catch a cold, the worst thing has
gone. Now, you can’t infect anymore although your nose is still running. If you
catch the flu, you will feel very tired with heaps of symptoms such as fever,
vomiting, diarrhea, etc. during next days because your immunity system is
Day 10
You still can infect 1 week after the first
symptom appeared. You should cough or sneeze into the handkerchiefs to avoid
infecting. And, you had better to relax at home until you complete get rid of