Pregnant women can be surprised at
information about placenta and they will pleased about those things.
Mothers should know that when ovum is
fertilized, placenta will be formed. At this time, cells will be divided into 2
groups: 1 group of cells will become baby and the other will form placenta.
Only in some days, the group of cells that
form placenta will cling on endothelial of uterus in mothers’ womb. From here,
life and function of placenta begin.
Nutrients and oxygen will be transmitted to
mother’s blood and move to fetus through placenta. Placenta also links with
fetus through navel cord.
Maybe, mothers won’t believe; however, all
hormones in pregnancy that are produced by placenta. And when progesterone
(gender hormone that helps maintain fetus) is high, the stable feature will be
big. After 9 months of becoming pregnant, concentration of progesterone hormone
will reduce and it will lead to pulsation of uterus. This thing gives the sign
of being ready to begin labor and give birth.
Placenta helps maintain life of the baby in
mother’s womb because it provides oxygen for baby and eliminates carbon dioxide.
Moreover, placenta can filter a lot of harmful toxins that the mother absorbs into
her body such as medicine and bacteria.

ovum is fertilized, placenta will be formed.
However, placenta isn’t a supernatural
shield because there are some harmful toxins that can break into and affect
fetus. Placenta doesn’t have enough ability to prevent virus, so kinds of virus
like Rubella can break into fetus.
Although placenta is only formed from some
cells, placenta’s weight is 1kg when mothers begin labor and it is similar to a
plate whose diameter is about 15-22cm. Surface of fetus is smooth and bright.
It is red and its thickness is about 2-4cm.
Placenta not only maintains life for fetus
in pregnancy but also has other effects.
After giving birth, doctors can see
placenta to recognize a lot of things about the state of newborn babies.
In pregnancy, if mothers are doubtful about
problems about heredity, people will use placenta to check problems about
heredity in CVS test.
What do mothers base on to know that they
won’t have a period in 9 months and 10 days of pregnancy. They can do this
thing because hormones of placenta prevent falling of ovum.
When babies are born, placenta will be also
pushed outside. Therefore, although babies are born already, mothers also feel
spasm. This is pulsated process to push placenta outside. This process can last
from 10-20 minutes and it can be 1 hour after giving birth.
In the case that mothers don’t recognize
spasm to push placenta outside, doctors will inject oxytocin to stimulate
spasms. Medicine is injected into mothers’ thigh or vena after giving birth.
Some states of placenta:
Placenta will cling lowly: Placenta will cover one
part or all neck of the womb. Cesarean is the way that is applied in most cases
that placenta lings lowly because placenta covers neck of the womb.
Placenta clings firmly: placenta clings firmly
and deeply on the wall of uterus. If pregnant women have this state, they
easily have premature birth and have serious bleeding in process of beginning labor.
In this case, doctors can assign to have cesarean or make surgery to get rid of

When placenta clings firmly, doctors
assign to have cesarean or make surgery to get rid of placenta.
Placenta is broken: This is the state that
placenta leaves the wall of uterus before giving birth. Normally, it can take
place in the last 3 months of pregnancy or earlier (in the 20th
week). This thing makes children not get enough oxygen and nutrients. As a
result, it will make mother bleed and it will make the risk of premature birth
increase. In this case, most mothers have to be hospitalized to be followed.
Normal positions of placenta:
v Placenta
clings on the front face (in the front part of the uterus wall).
v Placenta
clings on the back face (in the back face of uterus wall).
v Placenta
will cling on the top of uterus wall.
v Placenta
will cling on the left or on the right of uterus wall.
It is similar to old things that will be worn
out if they are used in a long time, in the last months of pregnancy, the phenomenon
about calcification of placenta will appear. However, it will be very dangerous
if placenta will have serious calcification in the last months of pregnancy.
Therefore, pregnant women should go to check regularly to detect unusual things
about placenta.

Pregnant women should go to check regularly to detect unusual things
about placenta.