4. Jumping jacks
Reps: 60 seconds
Targets: Inner and outer thighs
Place the dumbbells on the side of the pool,
then raise your arms out to your sides and over your head, and simultaneously
jump your feet out so they’re slightly more than shoulder-width apart.
Without pausing, quickly reverse the movement,
jumping your legs back together.
Want to burn a few more calories on
holiday? Instead of chatting on a lounge chair, jump in the pool and chat while
treading water. You’ll burn tons of calories, while toning your legs and bum

5. Front raise
Reps: 10
Targets: Shoulders (anterior deltoid)
Press the water bottles or dumbbells into the
water so they’re resting on the front of your thighs.
Keeping your arms straight, lift your arms up
until the weights rest on the surface of the water. Press back down through the
water until the weights are back at the starting position.

6. Scissor jumps
Reps: 60 seconds
Targets: Core and Glutes
Place the dumbbells on the side of the pool and
stand in chest-high water. Take a step forward with your right leg.
Jump up, switching legs so you land with your
left leg in front and your right leg behind. Squeeze your bottom with each rep.

7. Trunk twists
Reps: 20 each side
Targets: Obliques
Stand chest-deep in the water and hold the
dumbbells just below the surface. Without moving your feet, twist your torso to
the right and pull the weights through the water, so they are to the right your
Twist to the left, and pull the weights with
Keep twisting and moving the weights from side
to side, reaching as far as you can with each rep, but without moving your feet
or hips.

8. Aqua punches
Reps: 60 seconds
Targets: Scapular muscles, biceps and
Stand chest-deep in the water and hold the
weights in front of you. Bend your knees slightly and then, very quickly, bring
your right arm forward in a punching motion, keeping it under the water. Return
to your stating position and repeat with your left arm. Throw as many punches
as you can in 60 seconds.
Perform this circuit three times for a
refreshing, fat-burning workout.

How to do it
To do this work out, use two full water
bottles (one in each hand) or some light dumbbells such as BECO’s Aqua Beflex
Hand Paddles ($27; swimshop.co.uk). Start in the shallow end, with the water
around chest height. Perform each exercise for the set amount of reps before
moving on to the next exercise as quickly as possible. Once finished, rest for
two minutes, then repeat the circuit twice more.