Fetuses are quite safe in the uterus but,
some unexpected things can cause bad effects on fetal health and safety. Have
mothers known about the scariest things to fetuses?
1. Noises
The noise is one of things that scare
fetuses the most. When fetuses are 6 months old, they start hearing sound from
the outside world. The surrounding atmosphere is too loud, they will be
affected. Big and sudden noises can make fetuses scared. The noise, in the long
run, will make fetuses uncomfortable and affect their hearing developments.

American research conducted on newborns from family living in areas that are
near the airport found that the rate of newborns increase from 08% to 1.2%.
An American research conducted on newborns
from family living in areas that are near the airport found that the rate of
newborns increase from 08% to 1.2%. The most popular symptoms are spinal
deformities, abdominal and brain defects.
There’re many researches resulting that
pregnant women who were affected by big noises regularly could have their
fetuses had more chances losing hearing sensitivity before birth. It’s not only
fetuses who are directly affected the noises, but mothers are also affected,
which can explain the discomfort, mood swings and sleeping issues.
2. Alcohol and tobacco

and tobacco are dangerous enemies of fetal healthy developments.
Pregnant women shouldn’t drink too much
alcohol as it can slow fetal growth and developments, cause neurological
abnormalities, deformities and the risk of mental retardation. Meanwhile,
tobacco can bring similar serious results, such as low birth weight, premature
birth, stillbirth…. Therefore, alcohol and tobacco are dangerous enemies of
fetal healthy developments.
During pregnancy and the period of time close to the date, pregnant women
shouldn’t drink alcohol, smoke and avoid inactive smoking so that fetuses can
have the best developments.
3. Worries and depression

ok for pregnant women to be worried, depressed or have negative emotions as
long as they calm down soon.
Many pregnant women worry about fetal
health and still feel unfit with the new role, which makes them get worried and
depressed easily. Ones who have emotional disorders in long time can make their
fetuses have slow developments. After birth, children tend to have bad tempers,
get sick easily, be angry, uneasy, often cry and even have emotional disorders.
It’s okay for pregnant women to be worried, depressed or have negative emotions
as long as they calm down soon; the fetuses won’t be affected. When pregnant,
women should try to maintain positive moods. If necessary, they can experience
medical treatments or see psychiatrists to talk about your situations.
4. Recklessly using medicines

medicines recklessly during pregnancy can cause birth defects, abnormal organs
or even death.
Medicines are ones of the most effective
things to fetal health. That’s because using medicines recklessly during
pregnancy can cause birth defects, abnormal organs or even death.
It’s not that every medicine can affect fetuses but, using medicines during
pregnancy requires carefulness.
Any medicines used in pregnancy have to be
based on doctor’s prescriptions. Never use drug without knowing its components.
Medicines that are recommended for
pregnancy are divided into 5 levels: A, B, C, D and X. When using them, you
have to have doctor’s prescriptions.
The A means it’s safe to use the medicines.
The B means it’s acceptable to use.
The C means the medicines are unidentified but
doctors can still recommend them if necessary.
The X are medicines that are prohibited to be
used in pregnancy.
5. Pregnant women don’t feel fine.
Healthy pregnant women will have healthy
babies. On the contrary, if pregnant women don’t feel fine for example they
have gestational hypertension or diabetes, it can lead to fetal abnormalities
or even cause death to fetal.
Even when pregnant women don’t have
diseases, their bad habits like staying up late, not have exercises, working
too much…can provide bad conditions for fetuses to develop.
Solutions: If pregnant women have diseases,
they should have positive treatments that can decrease complications. At the
same time, they shouldn’t forget to take good care of their bodies and minds.
6. Radiations

with radiations like X-ray and computerized tomography (CT) will make pregnant
women to face with the risk of miscarriage, fetal mental retardations.
Contacting with radiations like X-ray and
computerized tomography (CT) will make pregnant women to face with the risk of
miscarriage, fetal mental retardations. The level of effects is based on many
elements such as radiation dose, the frequency of it and fetal age. The
stronger the dose be, the higher the risk get.
Before taking X-ray tests, you have to make sure that you’re not pregnant, take
pregnancy test if necessary. If you have to do X-ray tests or radiant
treatments during pregnancy, you have to ask for doctor’s opinions.