
These experiences will help you regain maiden waist.

The simplest ways reduce abdominal fat

The simplest ways reduce abdominal fat

Many women are very worried because after the parturition, waistline is wrinkled, wrinkled, even still like at 5 months of pregnancy. However, parents should not worry because over time, firm waist will return as before. But if you want firm waistline return fast, do not ignore the simple tips below.

1.     Ginger wine

Crush 1 kg of fresh ginger and 1 liter of white wine. Soak about 1 month, get this mixed to cover on belly and massaged daily. Gingerol found in ginger will warm, help burn local fat at woman's abdomen. Wine such as "derivative" ginger oil absorbed into the subcutaneous fat, increases fat breakdown here. This will help waistline become firm quickly. You too can add ginger to the mix to lighten the abdominal skin after birth.

Ginger helps reduce belly fat.

Ginger helps reduce belly fat.

2.     Roasted salt

Roast 1kg of salt, then put into a cloth bag, put warm salt bag on the abdomen and compress. The heat of the salt will help firmer waist. Moreover, this is also very good because women after birth are often cold. Women who gave birth normally or cesarean can use every day, but in case of a caesarean section, they should avoid injury.

3.     Ginger salt

Use 1kg of granular salt and 1 kg of ginger. Rinse, pound ginger and fry with salt. Pour all into a cloth bag and compress after eating. Three times a day will help waist become quickly neat. Ginger can stop the blood, so when skin covered ginger with salted roasted, uterine artery spasm rapidly, less bleeding, abdominal blood vessels also shrink, making empty belly gradually smaller after birth.

4.     Moxa salt

Use 1 bunch of moxa mixed with a mixture of 1 kg of roasted salt, put all in bag to compress the abdomen while it still hot. Compressing 1-2 times a day will work very well. Note that when needing compress, just put the bags of salt in microwave heating to use.

Hot salt helps the abdomen to be firmer

Hot salt helps the abdomen to be firmer.

5.     Warm water

Using a 1.5 liter water bottle, pour warm water into it and roll on the stomach about three times a day. Roll directly on the skin until the water is cold. This method used in combination with daily abdominal genetic measures will work very well.



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