Swimming is considered to bring many
benefits for pregnant woman. However, not every woman is brave enough to join
this sport.
We all know that frequent exercise during
pregnancy is helpful for pregnant women. Many researches show that woman
exercises frequently during pregnancy will have a more active, dynamic and
healthier than those do not.

is considered to bring many benefits for pregnant woman
The reason that many pregnant women choose
swimming is that it is simple, and you do not feel heavy like other sports
thanks to exercising in the water. Besides, swimming makes you feel cool and
not lose too much energy like others, especially in this summer.
Moreover, this sport brings many benefits
for pregnant women:
§ Relieving
§ Reducing
the pressure of fetus on rectum, promoting blood to circulate in pelvis area, and
preventing blood stasis, constipation and legs swelling.

helps relieve backache for pregnant women.
Strengthening lung, so when giving baby, the
mother can easily take a deep breath, reduce difficulty.
Consuming redundant calorie to prevent
Taking part in correcting fetus’s position,
making childbirth be easier
When swimming, all muscles have to exercise, and
blood vessels are massaged by water, so it helps promote blood circulation for
both mother and baby
Pregnant woman has a chance to contact sunshine.
Ultraviolet rays not only have antiseptic effect but also transform cholesterol
under skin to vitamin D3 (which promotes calcium, phosphorus absorption and is
useful for fetus’s bones to develop).
Swimming also improves pregnant woman’s feeling,
relieves headache, helps baby’s nervous system develop well.
Frequent swimming brings pregnant women a nice
healthy body and is useful for them to take back initial body after giving

swimming brings pregnant women a nice healthy body.
However, before practicing any sports as
well as swimming, pregnant woman need the doctor’s permission and should
practice frequently during pregnancy.
If you used to learn swimming before or be
a swimming athlete, continue practicing. If not, you can still learn from the
beginning of pregnancy. You should learn gradually and avoid strong exercise or
spend too much time on practicing. Get out of the pool any when you feel tired
of have strange symptoms.