Because caesarean section doesn’t affect vagina
and cause no local injury, it will not affect sex life later.
Cases must have caesarean section
(C - Section)
Women cannot do the biological reproductive
function normally, small or narrow or unbalanced pelvis (Cephalopelvic
disproportion), about 30%.
Over two times had C - Section (30%): In fact,
there are many cases that women who had normal caesarean section (not
emergency) can safely give vaginal birth
Cases that the baby is not in a head-down
position close to the due date or preterm
delivery must have C-section
C-section is necessary when the baby show
the signs of distress, weakness due to lack of oxygen leading the mother can
have long labor pain or infection.
In some cases, placenta may detach before
delivery of cover the cervix, or placenta praevia. The risk of this is breaking
blood vessels causing massive bleeding and can be fatal to mother or fetus, so
a C-section is necessary.

Caesarean Section Affect Sex?
Steps of a C-section
After determining C-section is necessary,
doctors anaesthetize, usually
epidural anesthesia (anesthesia), inject to spinal column. In case of
emergency, general anesthesia is needed to ensure safety for the mother.
After being sure about the anesthesia, the
surgery starts.
Surgeons start with a low transverse
abdominal incision, and an incision at uterine segment to take the baby out,
the mother can also feel about taking the baby out. This lasts about 3 minutes.
Do not have an advantage as vaginal birth,
doctors have to clean excess fluid in mouth, nose and respiratory tract of the
baby and when hearing the cries of the baby meaning the surgery is successful.
After surgery, doctors stitch the incision, and the baby is taken care by
hospital orderly.

hurts more than vaginal birth, and after C-section, the mother has to take over
many things, especially baby care, so it is harder.
Steps for recovery after caesarean section
It must be said that C-section hurts more
than vaginal birth and after C-section, the mother has to take over many
things, especially baby care, so it is harder. To support, doctors advise what
to do to convalesce, and drugs to relieve pain, prevent infection and do not
affect breast feeding.
Incision may be sore for a while, and can
leave scar when healing. However, there are also cases of redness or
inflammation. Tell your doctor to fix.
Usually doctors wash the wound, together
with taking drugs to help wound healing, after several months, wound will fade.
C-section does not affect sex life
Because C-section does not affect to
vagina, no local injury, it does not affect to sex life. Pleasant feeling comes
faster, no pain as who has vaginal birth.
However, those had C-section had to be
through recovery period, helping the wound heal and cervix return to normal
state. This period lasted about 4 weeks, if necessary women can ask doctor to
ensure personal safety and help baby care be easier.

does not affect sex life
How to reduce complication after C-section
In fact there is nothing to worry after C-section,
because this technique is very fast and safe for both mother and baby.
The first things pregnant women need to do are
to well prepared, ask doctor for advices, take part in prenatal training, find
information, books related to this technique, and talk to husband and relatives
to have more support, and finally, choose skilled doctors, trusted hospital.
Women who had C-section once have nothing
to be afraid of, do not blame anyone and consider it is normal, like vaginal
Finally, trust in doctors, nurses. Everything
will go well, and you will have a healthy baby.