“In the public gym, you have to face to
taking shower and sharing mutual space with others. Some notices and etiquettes
you should pay attention to in such area are as follows.”

the public gym
1. You have to sit on the benches in changing rooms, or saunas without
The important problem is that you have to
deal with “Bacteria”. Although gyms are, the humidity is a source of dangerous
bacteria. According to a research by Professor Phillip Tierno, author of The
Secret Life of Germs: he has studied a rag on a taxi, and found thousands of
bacteria from sneezes, dungs and skin; a rag in a cinema bench contained Group
B Streptococcus, bacteria in vaginal lubrication; in the gym there are bacteria
causing pneumonia and the handles have a lot of bacteria causing skin diseases.
Likewise, benches in changing room contain bacteria causing impetigo, skin
infection, genital fungus or hives. The solution is that you should clean
benches carefully before sitting on or if you go to the saunas, take a shower
2. Changing tampon in public places
There is a reason explaining why the waste
basket containing tampons are located in restroom: they want to keep the
bathroom clean and hygienic. Chemical compounds in those baskets will kill the
bacteria. If this kind of basket is out of use, the air will be infected, and
if untreated tampons are thrown to the toilet, they will cause a stuck problem.
The hygiene staffs are trained to treat tampons to reduce the infection.
Therefore, make sure that you put your tampons in right place to avoid
polluting environment.
3. Naked in public places
You feel weird when being naked in public
places because you are not confident in your body or you do not want to be
observed by others? The solution is you must get accustomed to your body. You
can try to be naked in front of a mirror at home and when you are familiar with
it, you won’t be confused by naked woman in gyms. In case you are familiar with
naked situation, don’t do anything out of control.
4. Take too much space for stuff
There is such an easy solution: buy a small
bag with small trays to contain all your stuffs. Whenever finishing using any
of them, you should put it in the bag right away. This won’t take much space
and you won’t lose your stuff. These bags have reasonable prices. In addition,
if you meet someone who usually takes much space, don’t hesitate telling them
about that. Waiting in a queue is irritating as well, so you can leave the
shower room and use double shower gel to wash your body and hair quickly. With
professional gel, you can wash your skin and get rid of make-up mask rapidly.
5. Go to sauna when sick
Bacteria are born quickly in humid and
tight environment, so your sickness will turn to be worse when you go to gym or
sauna. Even when you catch a normal flu, your increasing heart beating can
cause your infection and bronchitis. When entering a sauna, everything will be
worse: your heart beats more rapidly; your body reacts and reduces temperatures
by pumping more blood to skin, decreasing your blood pressure and causing
vertigo. A simple solution: if you are sick, don’t go to gym. When you feel
better, practice slowly and ensure a stable hydration process. Pay attention
that all infection will be released into the air. And you may not know that
person next to you is pregnant or has a weak immunity.

a sauna
6. Taking shower without slippers
Always put slippers on whether your feet
have fungus or not. The fungus bacteria in feet of gymnasts appear in humid
environment. The popular symptoms are itching and chapped skins, rashes, wet
toes then boils appear and skin is dry and scales shed. Slippers will separate
your feet off fungus on the floor, and prevent diseases from going around. If
you catch any of those symptoms, go to doctor and have an in-time treatment.