“Most women are busy with their task from
the early morning to late evening, getting rattled over the list-to-do and
paying attention only to the next tasks. They accept the exhausted situation as
a part of their life and waste their happiness and health. These are some tips
that help you recover from your exhausted life.”

It was 6.00 a.m and Alena Burley’s went
off. At 7.30am, this 23-year-old girl walked the dog, had breakfast with
omelets, took a shower, got dressed and drove 30 minutes to a secondary school
to teach. At 4.30, her dog was let to go home, Alena was busy with practicing
gym before the evening class and babysitting. Going home after 10.00pm, she was
totally exhausted, threw the papers to the table, down to her bed and set the
alarm for 6.00am.
“Sometimes my life seems to be so busy that
I feel like relaxing in bathroom for hours. I mess up with everything but when
looking around, I see so many people getting busy like me” – said Alena. Of
course, getting busy every day is nothing new. Women have been busy for decades
and when they jump into industrial world, they face more problems when having
to balance between works and families. The typical case of Alena proves that
youngsters accept to be exhausted as an essential part of life. But, even if
youth can help to resist them, you need to re-consider these negative health
No relaxing
Last year, Disease Controlling and
Preventing Center has alarmed about the bad quality sleeps which are spreading
in society. US Psychology Association has clarified the difference between the
thoughts of stressful patients with their actual health situations. A research
reveals that when being exhausted, 80% of women will ignore it. “We are living
in a culture that everybody is so familiar with lacks of energy and accepts it
as a part of life” – said Frank Lipman, M.D – author of Revive: Stop Feeling
Spent and Start Living Again.
There is a popular thought is “We tend to
be tired of busy lives, when we were little child, we were busy going to
school. When we grow up a little bit, it was getting to the universities and we
got accustomed to staying up late and getting up early, then we got word and
went busy 24/7 with iPhone and BlackBerry” – said Bradley Carpentier , M.D, expert
of exhaustion researching. However, he believed that besides being busy, there
is an additional reason that makes woman exhausted: they don’t get accustomed
to refusing work. “Social press makes women find all ways to develop their
career and own life and the price is exhaustion” - Karin Olson, Ph.D, expert of
sleep research. Even women stop working for family life are not exception.
Instead of sinking into paperwork, they are busy being wives or mothers.
Women tend to be guilty more than men when
they can’t accomplish everything, so they usually forget their exhaustion,
according to Carol Landau, Ph.D – psychologist and pharmacist of Albert Medical
School – “we think that we can’t go to sleep because of undone X, Y and Z”. In
addition, society has created a concept that family and relationship are
priorities, so they feel guilty when they work extra-time at offices.
“Consequently, women are exhausted easily
and have little time to take care of their own health. Many feel powerless
about this situation but because they can control their lives, they cant find
any solution” – said Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of A Happy You: Your
Ultimate Prescription of Happiness.
No feeling of exhaustion
The exhaustion becomes more serious when
some women don’t realize that they have it. Serious exhaustion is accompanied
by constant release of hormone cortisol – a mental and physical stimulant. This
mechanism is identical to when you have a victory in career or private life,
your brain helps you feel and experience that. “This process makes woman not
realize how exhausted they are, they are attracted by coming success” - said Debbie
Mandel, author of Addicted to Stress.
The motivation of accomplishing everything
makes women forget how tired they are. The main problem is, no motivation lasts
forever, when their health get down, they will involve in a vicious circle of health
care and stressful daily work. Sleep therapist Katherine Sharkey,M.D., Ph.D at Rhode
Island hospital analyzed: “Women are usually qualmish when there is something
undone which brings them mental and physical exhaustion”.

motivation of accomplishing everything makes women forget how tired they are.
Prevent from growing young again
Like other situations, the first step to
improve is recognizing it and its bad consequents. Keep in mind that if you
relax too little, it means that you put an amount of poison into your body.
Then, all your organs are affected: nerves are out of control, you lose the
sexual inspiration and the muscles shrink. Chronic exhaustion affects the
immune as well, making you catch cold easily. If you catch insomnia, you will
gain weight faster, and a research proves that when driving in exhausted
situation is as dangerous as drunk driving. Let’s think: while insomnia is
considered a torture to prisoners, you get it every day.
An additional reason you should take
exhaustion into consideration is that many symptoms of it are identical to
those of depression. The main symptom of both is the patient is not capable of
expressing emotion. Many women are diagnosed as depression in early stage of
exhaustion. Most symptoms of exhaustion are easy to recognize such as hollow
eyes caused by insomnia, or irritating feelings and over-sensitiveness.
Exhaustion may lead to arguments with colleague and the task is hardly done as
you wish.
For those reasons, it’s time you needed to
get back the energy and take care of your health with these simple pieces of
An adult should sleep from 7 – 9 hours
every day. Remain this habit in a fixed hour frame. If you change the frame,
even only 30 – 60 minutes, it may change your biology clock and make you tired
the next morning.

from 7 – 9 hours every day
from food
Start a day with a poor nutrition breakfast
such as toasted bread and a glass of milk coffee will have bad impacts on the
metabolism and make you exhausted rapidly. Make sure your breakfast contain 20
gr protein and lipid, you will have full of energy. Try nut butter and fatless
yogurt with some nuts on the top.
Relaxing doesn’t mean wasting time. The
morning working time may deliver wise and high attention during working. Focus
on thinking in morning will help your brain to be excited with better working
performance. Spend 20 minutes on relaxing and looking back at yourself after
in life
Keep in mind that you don’t need to spend
18 hours to seek for success. Interests, passion out of work may bring you satisfaction
as well. “I call it the creative psychological balance” – said Mandel – “this
process helps you to recover because you have a motivation of doing something
for yourself”. Think about your interests: cooking, reading, drawing and spend
1 – 2 hours per week on doing that. In addition, spend time with people who are
able to balance their lives and help you with their points of view. Gradually,
you will be helped to get rid of exhaustion.

may bring happiness
away from harmful habits, such as:
Loss of water: If you lose 3% of water in your body, your mental state may be down
and you will distract. After that, you will feel dizzy and you get a headache.
Don’t think that your body needs some food, take 1 – 2 glasses of water.
Mobile phone: Using mobile phone before getting to sleep will strongly affect
brain’s performance, making you feel difficult to sleep. Moreover, the
artificial green light from it will restrain the hormone melatonin for sleep. A
research done in 2011 of National Sleep Foundation revealed that 20% of 19-20
year-old people are sleepless because of calls, SMSs or emails at least some
days per week. So, you should turn off the phone before sleeping.
Medicine: Many kinds of medicine cover a side-effect which is a cause of
exhaustion. Most of such medicines are pain-killers and specific medicine for vestibule
disorder and high blood pressure.
Intensive exercise: Exercise will stimulate hormone causing
stress called cortisol, prolong the sweating process. For example, when you jog
for 30 minutes at regular speed, your will participate in producing cortisol.
So, you should have some intervals among intensive exercises and strength
exercises. Then you can control the cortisol amount.
Low mineral amount: Mineral helps oxygen to circulate
easily in your body as well as get rid of waste from the cells. If you don’t
get enough 18 mg of minerals every day, you may get disorders and you fell
exhausted. Low Iron amount will lead to anaemia. If you still feel glassy, ask
your doctor about testing blood and take some supplementing medicine.