Statistics of the United Nations shows that the
death of about 500,000 women worldwide each year is related to pregnancy and
In addition, more than 60 million women
encounter serious complications and 30% of them have to suffer damage in their
whole life.
The culprits
Concerning this subject, Center for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently introduced several reasons causing
death of pregnant women accompanied by prevention methods.
Due to “plan breaking”
In developing countries, women give birth
without plan. They bear too many children with too short time between each time.
Besides, poor health status of the mother and austere diet lead to many
incurable complications, especially premature birth. To protect the health of
future mothers and children, the couples should have detailed family plans,
giving birth from 1-2 children in a reasonable period.

developing countries, women give birth without plan. They bear too many
children with too short time between each time.
Due to deficiency of nutrition
According to researches, pregnant women
should feed up at least 4 months before pregnancy, strengthen health and live
in clean environment, stay away from poison and eat well to supply enough
necessary nutrients for the baby, limit the risk of spina bifida caused by lack
of folic acid at the mother. To fix it, pregnant women should eat well and
supplement nutrients reasonably. Especially during pregnancy the mother's body
needs double amount of iron than normal people; otherwise it will lead to
anemia. Iron is found in green vegetables, bean, grain.... Besides, to help the
body absorb iron well, pregnant women need additional vitamin C (found in fresh
fruits). Pregnant women should drink lot of water and avoid stimulating
beverages containing sugar, caffeine or other additives which are not good for
the body.
Due to infection
Urinary tract and digestive system
infections are supposed to be important perpetrators causing risk of birth
complications in women, especially the premature birth and preeclampsia. Women
involving this disease should have health check-up and treatment early before
Due to using alcohol, stimulator
For long time, medicine science has warned
of the danger of alcohol, stimulators including tobacco. These substances make
children grow slowly and cause mental illness, physical anomalies. If the
mothers get addicted to drug, she will give birth with many diseases, including
addiction, and the pregnant women also experiences complications which are
dangerous to life when giving birth. Inhaling smoke of other people around is
also dangerous for your health (medicine calls it secondary smoke), as
dangerous as heavy smokers. For this reason, women, before and during
pregnancy, should live in clean environment, away from dangerous substances as
listed above.

and tobacco can make pregnant women have complication at birth
Due to using medicine
During pregnancy, pregnant women should not
arbitrarily take any medicine without doctor's permission. Even with vitamin,
tonic, functional foods, using a lot is not beneficial. For example, an
overdose of vitamin A will cause fetal abnormality.
Due to weight gain and obesity
During pregnancy, women should not gain
weight too much, if not, they will have complications at birth, and the baby is
prone to underweight. An underweight infant faces risk of death 40 times higher
than a normal child. Pregnant women should maintain normal weight by scientific
diet. The point of view that eating for two people is not true so it is
necessary to ask for advice from consultant to keep the diet properly.
Normally, woman should increase from 9 - 12kg for the whole pregnancy period.
Particularly teenage women, women with low body weight should gain from 12 -
15kg, the excess weight people should only gain from 7 - 9kg.
Notice before giving birth
Pregnant women should visit doctor
regularly to reduce the risk of death for them and reduce risks for future
baby. In difficult economic areas, especially in remote areas, should take
advantage of local midwifery services, and consult experienced people to limit
unnecessary risks.
Thanks to early visits, pregnant women can
foresee risks such as twins, multiple births, high blood pressure, diabetes,
cardiovascular fetus. Test for Streptococcus B bacteria from 26-28 weeks of
pregnancy to restrict the risk of infection at birth and spread to children.
While seeing doctor, pregnant women should inform him about medical history
such as vaginal bleeding, infection, finger pain, dim eyes, stomachache,
continuous vomiting, pain when urinating or difficulty urinating...
Many pregnant women underestimate the
personal hygiene; this is the main perpetrator of complications. During
pregnancy, women can take a bath normally, but should not wash private part or
soak in the bathtub for long time. Besides, should avoid contact people who are
having viral disease, especially smallpox. To avoid helminth infections from
animals, eat well-done food and drink boiled water, stay away from secretions
from the cat. Sex in the last months should be limited, especially to people
who used to have vaginal bleeding or miscarriage.

avoid helminth infections from animals, eat well-done food and drink boiled
water, stay away from secretions from the cat.
Stay away from sources of infection such as
X-ray radiation, toxic chemicals. Restrict direct contact with chemicals,
cosmetics. Avoid high temperature or too cold environment, even when playing
sport, limit barefoot contact with soil and water. Decide in advance whether
you take vaginal birth or caesarean section... Pregnant women should know this
thing to have decision soon. Remember that many deaths were caused by excessive
bleeding, so be ready for blood transfusion when necessary.