On raising kids to be adventurous foodies
Bruce Lim, owner, chef’s table; host, Tablescapes
on Asian food channel

Lim, owner, chef’s table; host, Tablescapes on Asian food channel
“As a chef and as a parent, I love cooking
everything from scratch. Cooking at home and at my own pace is therapeutic for
me. For my sons Myles and Brandon, I started them out on their culinary journey
pretty early. As soon as they were old enough to eat solid food, I’d mix spices
and herbs into their bowls of porridge – ingredients like cinnamon, curry
powder, fresh cilantro, and other things most kids don’t usually like. At a
young age, they were introduced to those exotic and uncommon flavors. As a
result, my kids aren’t picky eaters; they’ll eat anything!”
On making home-cooked food party-ready
Sharlene Tan, food stylist

Tan, Food Stylist
“Skip the metal chafing dishes and opt for
pretty ceramic plates. Think of a theme and a color palette – if you want a
fresh, springtime feel, use colors like yellow, orange, and green. If you’re
going for a country look, get plates and placemats to fit. You can also do a
classic black and white theme: Use white plates then keep the rest of the décor
black. Use an interesting variety of plates to make your buffet table and
spread more interesting. Read food magazines like Yummy to get innovative ideas
on how to present your food. For appetizers and desserts, do single-serve
portions. Buy small ramekins or use small wine glasses to put salad or layer tiramisu
in. for small servings of appetizers or desserts, you can use Chinese spoons
lined up on a long, rectangular plate for an effortlessly elegant look”.
On working with fondant
Jackie Ang-Po, chef and owner, Fleur De
Lys Patisserie; Certified Wilton method instructor

Ang-Po, chef and owner, Fleur De Lys Patisserie
“For beginners, working with fondant in
humid weather is a big plus. Humidity makes fondant softer and more pliable, so
it’s easier to roll out and doesn’t dry right away. Rain, on the other hand,
makes fondant sticky and too wet. The glucose and glycerine in fondant are
hygroscopic ingredients which mean they get moisture. During the rainy season,
it’s best to work in an air conditioned room. Purchase packs of silica gel
(available at hardware stores like True Value or Ace Hardware) and place them
containers that hold your cake decorations”.
On making homemade bread
Myke ‘Tatung’ sarthou, chef and owner,
chef tatung’s

‘Tatung’ sarthou, chef and owner, chef tatung’s
“Learn to take your sweet time when making
bread. I started baking bread when I was much younger, but seldom did I get it
right. I did understand the procedure, but I just couldn’t stop myself from
meddling with its natural fermentation process. I would be impatient and shape
or bake the dough before it fermented or proofed properly. Always remember:
Give your dough enough time to rest and develop flavor. One thing I learned to
do later on was to prepare the dough a night before and refrigerate it
overnight, or even for an entire day. Sleep the excitement away. Take the dough
out of the refrigerator at least two hours before you intend to bake, and make
sure you shape and let it rise one last time before it hits the oven”.