“When people grow fatter, the Type 2
Diabetes is rapidly becoming popular. However, obese is silently attacking a
new group of victims: slim women. This article will analyze the habits that may
push you to TOFI and diabetes.”
Stephanie, aged 29, had a perfect body. She
never had to strenuously keep fit. Instead, she usually walked at weekends and
ate a lot of spinach. She comfortably took noshes full of sugar and butter if
she wished to. With the height of 1.7m and the weight of 54kg, she was the
dream of many other girls. But things changed completely 2 years ago. A sudden
stroke stopped her studying at university. Doctors diagnosed that her thyroid
gland had lost its balance. After testing the blood, some days later, she
received the result: the thyroid was still fine, but the sugar concentration in
blood was a problem. She got diabetes and it was developing to Type 2 diabetes.
According to a recent research of International
Diabetes Federation (IDF), the number of diabetes patients increases from 366
million (2011) to 522 million (2030). But Type 2 diabetes is nothing like that;
this disease only happens when you eat too much noshes and drink carbonated
drinks. In case of Stephanie, she didn’t take noshes or meat. But she got into
the trap that many other slim women got.
Health threats
In Sahara-Africa where communicable
diseases become the biggest threat to health system, the rate of diabetes
patients also rockets. People who get diabetes in this continent are counted
14.7 million. This is not surprising, though, because in South Africa, 61% of the
population gets obese and 2/3 of them are women. During the past decades, Type
2 Diabetes has many common symptoms with Stephanie: passive and heavy. The
patients are at mid-age or older, and recently, diabetes has started to attack
young patients.
In America, the number of over-20-years-old
people getting diabetes is 65 million – and increases to 57 million in 2007.
The scary thing is that people who get Type 2 Diabetes even don’t gain weight,
they are not addicted to ice-creams or burgers at all, but their slim bodies
still contain potential threats.

2 Diabetes
Thin outside, fat inside, and stress
Professor Jimmy Bell has studied about a
case called TOFI – thin outside, fat inside (the appearance looks slim but the
inside gets obese. TOFI is hard to be recognized because fat sticks to internal
organs instead of forming under the skin. The organs’ fat layer is always more
dangerous than the fat forming right under the skin. It can be harmful to the
liver and the pancreas, making insulin sensitiveness decreases and pushing you
to Type 2 Diabetes. That is the reason why you look slim, but in fact, you are
growing fatter from the inside.

may be a victim of TOFI.
TOFI symptoms are getting worse when
patients often fast but don’t do exercises and control the weight – this is a
bad habit that women usually ignore during slimming process. The fact is that exercise
is basically aimed at decreasing sugar concentration in blood. Even fair
exercises have the function of forming muscles to decrease glucose by 20 times
in comparison with normal situations (normal movements also help to reduce the
fat in internal organs).
It is the fact that most women ignore. They
don’t have breakfast but take energetic drink for lunch. After school, they eat
noshes such as biscuits, spaghetti, fried chip, etc. before sinking in parties
with friends. They don’t do exercise because they are too confident in a
sugar-les menu. Consequently, although they look slim in their standard body,
they stand a high chance of high sugar concentration and internal organs’
According to nutrition exports, when you
lose weight because of fasting, you will lose your muscles as well. And when
you gain weight again, more fat will be piled up. In other words, with having a
diet by fasting, you will lose a lot of muscles, leading to internal organs’
fat and an increase in sugar in blood.
Another top reason that causes TOFI and
diabetes is the daily stress. When you are in a stress, your body releases a
hormone called cortisol which steals your energy. Concurrently, cortisol
increases the sugar concentration in blood if the stress situation is
prolonged. Moreover, scientists prove that too much cortisol will lead to
fat-storing disorder, making more fat silently stick to internal organs. In
general, stress will bring you a higher chance of getting TOFI.