Anti-ageing treatments can be expensive,
risky and unproven. But here’s the good news – the true secret to looking and
feeling youthful may reside in your mindset.
It’s time to dump the expensive serums, say
farewell to Botox and cancel that celebrity-endorsed facial. Research reveals
there’s an anti-ageing remedy more powerful than any cream and it’s completely
free – it’s all about harnessing the youth-promoting power of your own mind.Indeed, the quest for cutting-edge
treatments to hold back the years may be fruitless and actually trigger stress
and ageing.

Exercise such as yoga can combat ageing
“Spending a lot of time worrying about
ageing is actually incredibly stressful and negative because the emphasis is on
complaining about our bad points rather than what is good,” says Dr David
Hamilton, an expert on mind and body medicine ( “The
stress of searching for an anti-ageing “cure” may actually make you unhappy and
stressed which ironically can make you seem older.
“It’s time we looked to our own resources
and harnessed the power of our own positive mind, rather than simply handing
over ourselves, and our money, to the anti-ageing industry,” he says,
explaining that when you free yourself from worrying about ageing, you start to
turn back the years without even realizing.
Research suggest all of us can use our
brain as a free as a free and powerful anti-ageing tool. But since it can’t be
packaged and sold, and it definitely can’t be patented by the pharmaceutical
industry, you are unlikely to hear much about just how truly anti-ageing
think-yourself-young techniques can be.

Professor of psychology at Harvard, Ellen
Langer has been investigating our mindset and ageing for more than a decade. In
her recent book Counterclockwise (Hodder & Stoughton, $20) she suggests we
succumb to stereotypes and environmental cues that make us age more quickly –
but we can resist them.
In one controlled experiment, a group of
elderly men lived in a retreat designed to look as if time had shifted back 20
years. They dressed and talked as if they were 20 years younger. Clinicak tests
afterwards revealed a reversal of ageing symptoms: their vision, grip strength,
hearing and cognitive ability all improved compared to a control group. They
also looked younger in an independent assessment of their appearance.
Langer says when we unhinge our beliefs
about ageing and our body we start to look and feel much younger. Shift your
thinking slightly and change your social clock (where your body conforms to
what you think is appropriate to your age), and you can change the behavious
that drain our happiness and vitality.
“When we change to a positive emotional
style, rather than wallowing in frustration and negativity, it can knock more years
off how we look and feel than any wrinkle cream or cosmetic surgery,” says Dr
He suggests that one powerful anti-ageing
technique is to clamp down on complaints – especially moans and groans about
getting older. Put a bracelet on your wrist and when you complain out loud
about anything swap it to the other side. Try and keep it on one wrist all day.
“This will help you cut down dramatically on how much you complain,” he says.

“A more positive outlook will show in your
face. People will be happier to be around you and you will look younger.
Research also shows that more optimistic people live longer too,” he adds.
Indeed, research from the Max Planck
Institute for Human Development in Berlin, which appears in the journal
Psychology and Aging, found that volunteers were most likely to underestimate
the age of a smiling face.
Scientists think this is because they are
noticing the smile first rather than any wrinkles. Smiling faces are also
generally perceived as more attractive and younger.
So while there has never been more pressure
to buy pills and potions, fret about wrinkles and head for the Botox clinic,
there has equally never been more evidence that worrying will trigger the very
wrinkles you fear and are trying so hard to avoid. Instead, smile, stop moaning
about your grey hair and make like your next birthday is 25, whatever your age…
the year will drop off.
Vanessa Pooley, 53, sculptor, runner and

Vanessa Pooley, 53, a fellow of the Royal
British Society of Sculpture (, specializes in sculptures
that celebrate the female form.
The cosmetic surgery and Botox route is
definitely not for me. I’ve come to the conclusion that looking and feeling as
young as you can is a stage of mind, not something you can buy from a pot of
expensive cream. It’s much more profound. It’s about losing yourself in what
you are doing, and feeling intensity-forgetting yourself and the mirror. I find
I do that while working creatively on a sculpture, listening to Wagner, as well
as when I’m swimming and running. Staying young has to be about finding
activities that fill your life with pleasure, intensity and focus rather than
worrying about your looks.