Health, age, finance, psychology…, there are
many things that you should pay attention when you want to have the second
When you are unforeseen and well-prepared
for everything, you can initiatively overcome barrier easily to enjoy the
happiness of becoming mother in the second time.
How long is the distance of 2 times of giving birth?
The first thing that you and your husband
need to calculate is the distance of the first time of giving birth and the
second time. Researchers considered that women should have the distance about
2-3 years between 2 times of giving birth. This is necessary time for women to
restore their health and reduce stress after the time being in labor and
bringing up children hardly.
To women that used to have cesarean need to
have longer time to restore. Doctors also advise these women should have the
distance of 2 times of giving birth with at least 5 years.

also advise these women should have the distance of 2 times of giving birth
with at least 5 years.
Most women can know about the safe distance
of 2 times of giving birth. In some unwilling cases such as unplanned case, or
women that have high age want to give birth. These cases often lead to the
cases such as children have light weight, and children are born prematurely.
Finance problem
Money is the problem that women must ponder
most when they want to have another child. When your family has the new member,
it means that your family’s expense will increase. There are a lot of things
that you need to pay attention such as money for checking in pregnancy,
medicine, eating, drinking, giving birth. In addition, there are some others
accrued things for example, you have to have a cesarean, lack milk and they
have to raise children with powdered milk and babies can be also ill.

is the problem that husbands and wives must ponder most when they want to have
another child.
However, in the second time of giving
birth, you can save a sum of money by taking full advantage of things and
clothes of the previous children.
You gave birth already, so you can know all
expenses for each time of giving birth as well as bringing up children. At this
time, you need to totalize expenses that you used to use for the previous child
and the second child is similar. You should save money when you intend to give
birth in the second time to avoid spending deficiently.
Age and health
To help giving birth more easily, mothers
should pay attention to age and health. Science proved that women that are from
22-29 years old will have the best reproductive health because their body
develops completely. In addition, the quality of ovum is in the best period. If
you are in this age and you don’t have problem with health, you can bear the
second children safely and the time can be more flexible.
Moreover, many women that are from 38 to 41
years old give birth. In this period, women’s health isn’t as good as when they
are young, reproductive rate also reduces suddenly. As a result, it will lead
to the state that babies are born prematurely, babies are undernourished and
less intelligent.
If you intend to give birth again, you and
your husband need to check health. The good health, suitable diet and checking
regularly, you will give birth safer. The distance of bearing the first and the
second children is more suitable with 3 years.
How old is your older child?
When there is a new member in family, the
person that shows attitude clearly is brother/sister. Older baby will show
loving and hating attitude clearly. Therefore, you shouldn’t ignore idea of the
tiny baby in family.
Babies that are from 1 to 3 years old, it’s
difficult for mothers to separate them. Babies are familiar with their mothers
like as a shadow. It isn’t easy for babies when their mothers. They will cry,
feel self-pity, and nip their younger brothers/younger sister when their
mothers don’t pay attention. Becoming unwilling brothers, sisters when babies
are too young, it’s easy to understand children’s reactions. You yourselves
also feel love children when they are too young to be separated from their
However, the advantage of the near distance
of give birth is: you can have the period of taking care of your children is
the shortest time, the experience or taking care of the first baby seems to be
new to apply for the next baby better. The cases of women that get married
after 30 years old, the near distance of 2 babies is also more advantageous for
giving birth.
Babies that are 4 years old and over, you
shouldn’t feel headache to explain children about whey you must take care of
babies more and why babies must put up with their younger brothers or sisters.
Babies will understand and act as dignified brothers or sisters. Therefore, you
can completely ask babies to do some things. This is the ideal brother or

babies are 4 years old, they will be dignified older sisters.
When babies are in any age, the important
thing is that you need to know how to assign time and catch psychology of
babies to balance interest and taking care of children. You should avoid the
state that you spend all time for younger babies and even scold older babies
when they harass their mothers. Mothers’ clever behavior can affect happiness
to accept to have more children of babies.
Your psychology is ready?
Some couples decide to have more children
because of the pressure from grandfathers and grandmothers of 2 sides or they
recognize that their friends have enough son and daughter and they don’t
complete their duty yet. In some cases, husbands and wives don’t unify about
continuing giving birth and insist that it is the other’s idea.

and your husband should unify about continuing giving birth or not.
If you chance to give birth because of one
of the above reasons, you don’t have the ready preparation about psychology.
This thing will lead to tiredness and stress on life of husbands and wives.
Blaming each other is the thing that will take place when there is any
difficulty in life.
You should look straightly on family, age
and many other things to be initiative in continuing giving birth. When your
psychology is ready, you can overcome the difficulties comfortably.