Nearly 15 percent of the parents of twins
are mistaken as to whether the tykes are fraternal or identical. Researchers
studied 1,302 parents of same-sex twins and found that 179 with identicals
thought they were fraternal, and 12 with fraternals thought they were
identical, perhaps because they got wrong information based on prenatal
ultrasounds. Some health professionals believe that separate placentas indicate
fraternal twins when, in fact, up to 30 percent of identicals have separate

testing will confirm twin status
How I told him
My husband and I were on vacation the week
of his 30th birthday. That morning we woke up in our hotel bed, and
he opened all the little presents I had brought, but I kept hinting that I had
one more. I told him to close his eyes and asked if he was ready for the
biggest gift of all. When he said yes, I put his two hands on my tummy. His
eyes opened wide, he asked if I was pregnant, and we hugged and cried happy
Quit Now!

of women overestimate the effectiveness of various forms of birth control,
including the pill, the patch and the ring
Babies bom to mothers who smoked during
pregnancy have a higher risk for eczema. The link is strongest for fetal
exposure to smoke during the third trimester. Smoking is associated with a host
of health risks to mother and baby, and there are good programs for cessation.
However, researchers recently reported that adding the nicotine patch to cessation
support doesn’t appear to help pregnant women quit.