This isn’t too dangerous thing, but pregnant women should
avoid using pate, milk products that aren’t unpasteurized and soft cheese
because they contain listeria, a type of bacterium that can be harmful to
Advice for pregnant
Do not eat soft-boiled eggs and meat and shellfish that
aren’t cooked. They can contain salmonella bacterium that can cause food
Do not eat a lot of livers and additional products
containing vitamin A that can cause inborn defects.
Do not eat rare meat doesn’t cook carefully, meat smoked out,
ham, green vegetables aren’t washed cleanly. They can contain toxoplasmosis
bacterium that can cause miscarriage or defects about organs of babies.
Limit oil that is used again because it can contain
substance that is changed.
Avoid dishes that cooked from shark, swordfish and sailfish
because they contain big content of mercury that can be harmful to baby’s
Sexual relation can affect fetus
Sexual relation can take place normally in pregnancy. Babies
stay in amniotic sac that is similar to a buffer to protect fetus safe.
However, if you have history of forward placenta, premature
birth, you should refer to expert’s idea to have safe sexual relation.
You should go to see doctor if you realize unusual symptoms
when you have sexual relation, for example you feel painful, bleeding, having
fluid or spasm.
Travelling by plane is very dangerous
Most of the airlines don’t allow pregnant women from 36
weeks to travel by plane. If you need to travel by plane, you can travel from
the 28th week and you need to have warranty of specialized doctors.
Pregnant women should calculate about flying distance.
You should avoid flights that last over 10 hours. If you
stay on high position in a long time, babies won’t be provided with enough
oxygen. This thing can make fetus weak and affect the development of fetus.
I vaccinated before I know that I am pregnant
You shouldn’t worry too much. The risk of catching disease
at your destination will be more serious than the risk of theory about
I have the risk of catching toxoplasmosis bacterium for cat and dog
In reality, this risk isn’t big, only about 1/5000 of
pregnant women catches. The best way to prevent is that you should wear gloves
and comforter when you contact with cats and dogs or places containing waste.
After that, you should wash your hands carefully.
If you play sport, it will affect babies
In reality, walking or practicing yoga regularly before
giving birth will be good for bearing.
Pregnant pay attention not to practice dangerous sports such
as going skiing, riding horse, running… because these activities will affect
pregnant women’s womb.

Walking regularly
before giving birth will be good for bearing.
Sitting in front of computer all day will make babies contaminate
However, you have to complete work. There is any evidence to
prove the relation between low radioactivity that is releasing from computer
that can cause miscarriage or effect of fetus.
Sitting in a long time can make you feel backache. Pregnant
women should move regularly.
Because I get infected of urinary tract, I use antibiotic that can
affect fetus
If I don’t treat, this disease will become worse. Without
treating, 30% of disease will develop and create infection of kidney. You can
get high temperature and have premature birth.
Specialized doctors will fill in prescription that is safe
for pregnant women.
Ultrasonic image in 20 weeks shows that my placenta is in the low
This is the period that placenta is in the low position in
the middle of pregnancy. There is a small rate when placenta touch womb and it
make bleed, you need to go to see doctor immediately. If placenta doesn’t
continuously move, you will give birth in about 38 weeks.
Getting hair colored will be harmful to babies
Chemicals in rinse don’t contain high toxicity. There aren’t
scientific evidences to prove they can be harmful to fetus.
However, pregnant women will have disorder about hormone in
pregnancy, so if you do the hair in this period, color will be quickly lose and
you hair will not be curly.
In recent checking time, my blood pressure is rather high.
It won’t affect babies and it will quickly be normal.
However, if high blood pressure takes place together with
inflaming phenomenon, especially foot, hands and face; some symptoms such as
nauseating, bellyache, headache, blurred vision, urinating with yellow color,
you should go to see doctor immediately.
Maybe this is sign of pre-eclampsia. This case only takes
place from 5%-10% and it can threaten life of mothers and babies. In serious
case, the only method is premature birth.
Relax to eliminate
You should find a quiet place to sit and lie to rest.
Listening to smooth song will make you feel comfortably.
Take a deep and long breathe through nose. Then breathe
slowly through mouth. Imagine your stresses and worries that are releasing
together with breath.
Say with yourself that you already do the best things for
babies. Relaxing is good for both mothers and babies. Imagine that you will
feel happy and when you hug your baby.
Imagine that you are in a place that has pure and cool air.
You take a deep breath so that thorax can be full of oxygen.

You can relax with
babies with songs that you like.