Only with a few movements of babies also make pregnant women
I don’t feel that I am pregnant
Many women wonder why their friends have morning sickness in
pregnancy, have pain in breast while their body doesn’t have any signs of being
This important thing is that you have to eat and drink with
enough nutrients and give up stimulants such as wine, cigarette and coffee.
After the first 3 month of pregnancy, you will see that worry will disappear.
I feel tired, so I cannot eat a lot
At this time, eating and drinking is necessary for both
mothers and babies. If you have morning sickness and cannot eat normally, you
shouldn’t worry. Fetus will not be undernourished because of this reason. In
reality, babies already receive nutrients from your amniotic fluid.
In the first period of pregnancy, babies don’t require
demand about calories and nutrients too much. However, in the second and third
months, pregnant women need to have a strict diet to gain weight.
Low quantity of sugar in blood is low and this thing makes
morning sickness become more serious even when you don’t want to eat.
Pregnant women can eat a few and many meals in a day. Before
going to bed, you should have a snack so that you won’t feel hungry when you
get up. You put a package of biscuit near your bed to eat when you feel hungry.
You need to drink more water to replace fluid when you
I often have unusual attack
It’s easy to understand that although you have just been
pregnant, you meet some attacks
The reason is that 2 sides of womb and ligaments cause. These
attacks can increase more and more and they can continue during pregnancy
because the development of babies will block ligaments and muscles.
If attacks don’t take place regularly and pregnant women
don’t have fever, chilly feeling, bleeding vagina, they don’t have to worry
If you don’t writhe in pain, have long lasting pain,
especially bleeding in the period of the first 3 months, you should to the
hospital to eliminate ectopic pregnancy.
My womb isn’t too big
Stature and topography of every woman are different in
pregnancy. Their wombs are different. Therefore, you shouldn’t compare your
womb with others’. The important thing is that you need to improve nutrients to
help fetus develop well.
You should talk with doctor to feel secure about baby’s
I am pregnant without planning, so I don’t add acid folic
There are many cases of being pregnant without planning; so
3 months before being pregnant, pregnant women don’t add folic acid in daily
However, scientists advise pregnant women to add 400mcg of
acid folic every day in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy to reduce the risk
about defect of nerve pipe. Consequently, you should provide if you are in this
Sometimes I don’t feel the movement of baby
Sometimes, babies kick and make their mothers jump, but
accidentally, you don’t feel the movement of baby. You are worried. Actually,
babies have their own routine. In 12 continuous hours, if you don’t feel the
movement of baby, you should ask for doctor to check.
Sometimes, pregnant women can be busy with work and so often
forget the movement of babies. You can drink a cold water to remind babies to
move. In the last moths, when the fetus develops gradually, movements are fewer.
I drink a lot of wine before being pregnant
If you are pregnant, you shouldn’t drink wine.
Many women are pregnant without plan, so before being
pregnant, they can smoke and drink wine. You can change habit and take care of
yourselves before those things have bad effects on your babies.

If you are
pregnant, you shouldn’t drink wine.
If I don’t drink coffee, I will fell tired
I you can lack a cup of coffee in a day, it isn’t a serious
Using caffeine with a suitable amount, won’t affect fetus.
But people advise that you shouldn’t use over 300mg a day. With more quantity,
it can lead to miscarriage, babies with have low weight and inborn defects.

Pregnant women
need to pay attention to the quantity of coffee to drink every day.
Standard quantity of
3 cups of soluble coffee (100mg/cup)
3 cups of coffee made (100mg/cup)
6 cups of tea ( 50mg/cup)
8 cans of cola or 4 cans of energy drink (80mg/can)
8 bars of rough chocolate (50mg/bar)
I fall
During pregnancy, babies are protected with amniotic
membrane. Your belly is strong enough and womb wall is solid enough to protect
babies from the collision if you fall.
However, if you have any attack, bleeding vagina or amniotic
fluid, you should go to see doctor immediately.
This isn’t too serious disease, but pregnant women should
avoid using pate, milk products that aren’t unpasteurized and soft cheese
because they contain listeria, a type of bacterium that can be harmful to