Gestational depression can cause bad effects
on women and fetuses.
The most happiness of married couples,
especially women, is to become parents. However, lately, there have been
pregnant women complaining about their headache, insomnia, concentration lack,
sadness and boredom… After researches, it’s concluded as signs of depression.

there have been pregnant women complaining about their headache, insomnia,
concentration lacking, sadness and boredom…
Why do pregnant women have depression?
Depression is a big, social problem of the
modern world. According to the researches, about 7% of adults including 12.7%
of pregnant women have to face with depression.
The element that is most possible to cause
depression to pregnant women is history of the sickness. The other elements
are that there’re family member have depressions or bipolar disorders, diseases
that weren’t completely treated when young; pregnant women can be single
mothers; women have over 3 children, histories of smoking tobacco, low
salaries; pregnant women who are under 20 years old; ones aren’t received enough
caring from family, society…

to the researches, about 7% of adults including 12.7% of pregnant women have to
face depression.
Gestational depression can cause many bad
consequences, such as the fact that pregnant women can’t adjust to their daily
life; can’t take care of themselves; using drugs, alcohol as well as other
stimulants; have much chance of suicide. Gestational depression also has
effects on fetal developments, causes miscarriage, premature birth and future
children’s characters and behaviors when they’re grown up. Postpartum depression
often happens to women who had gestational depressions, which leads to the lack
of care to infants, the relationship between mother and child and conjugal
Diagnosing gestational depression
Diagnosing gestational depression is based
on the risk of depression and diagnostic criteria for depression. The criteria
include sad mood and blah, a decrease in or loss of the interest of the
surroundings, a 5% increase or decrease in weight in 1 month, an increase or
decrease in appetite, having insomnia or unusual long-hour sleeps, active or
inactive irritations, fatigue or shortness of breath, exhaustion, the feelings
of uselessness or guilt, regular thought about death or suicide plans. The
diagnosis is carried when there’re 5 in the signs above last for 2 successive

confident in life is a way that helps pregnant women to avoid gestational
Treating gestational depression needs
coordination between obstetricians and internists, psychologists, general
practitioners. Pregnant women will be consulted about the effects of depression
on the health of mothers and children, the treatment that will be applied.
Pregnant women will be advised and applied methods to give up alcohol, smoking,
harmful habits, adjust the life style and behaviors before using
antidepressants. To low cases, patients may only need getting rid of risky
elements, applying psychological methods, adjusting lifestyle and behaviors.
When using antidepressants, there’re heralded side effects, such as blood
pressure increase, pre-eclaimpsia, placenta problems, early water breaking,
bleeding, premature birth, an increase in caesareans. Therefore, before taking
antidepressants, patients should ask doctors to carefully weigh the costs and
benefits for you as well as apply the suitable treatments in order to have the
best result.

taking antidepressants, patients should ask doctors to carefully weigh the
costs and benefits for you as well as apply the suitable treatments in order to
have the best result.
Gestational depression preventions
Preventing gestational depression belongs
to family, society and pregnant women. Pregnant women need receiving both
material and spiritual value as every change in physical and psychological
statuses have great effects on fetal growth. Pregnant women also need to remove
bad habits, such as smoking, drinking, balancing stresses, negative effects on
spiritual health because life is plenty of stress. In the end, maternal and
fetal health is in every pregnant woman’s concern.