In the daily life, there’re habits that are
thought to be harmless but, able to take out some years of your life
Most of people think that they are doing
their best to have a healthy, long life. However, in the daily life, there’re
habits that are thought to be harmless but, able to take out some years of your
life expectancy.
Therefore, to improve your health and
increase life expectancy, you should change your daily simple lifestyle. The
followings are some habits that you should change.
1. Lacking sleep

lack of sleep can be one of the reasons causing bad effects on your health and
some diseases.
A lack of sleep can be one of the reasons
causing bad effects on your health and some diseases. If you don’t get enough
sleep at nights (8 hours to adults), the metabolism will be slowed down and
make you gain weight. At the same time, the immune system will be impaired and
delay the ability to fight against infections and diseases.
Besides, lack of sleep will make you tired
and reduce your memory and concentration, be extremely dangerous to the driving
and easily cause traffic accidents.
2. Not using dental floss daily
We now all know that using dental floss
daily will help you teeth and gums be healthy and strong. Moreover, some
researches showed that using dental floss daily can also prevent you from heart
disease. If you don’t use dental floss daily, the bacteria can be remained in
the mouth and then get into blood, which in some cases, can lead to atherosclerosis
3. Not having recurring checkup
If you don’t have recurring checkup, it can
be enough to guarantee you good health. You should have your own doctor who
will check your health regularly, so that will have your level of cholesterol,
blood sugar, blood pressure and cardiovascular… checked.

should have talks with your doctors about tests that are necessary to your age
and follow their instructions.
First of all, you should spend time on
related screening, such as colposcopy, mammography, bone destiny test and
recurring skin test. Those will bring you the best chances to have early diagnosis
and timely treatment.
You should have talks with your doctors
about tests that are necessary to your age and follow their instructions.
4. Not taking part in social activities
Human brain is similar to the body, it
needs regular activities. Human life expectancy strictly relates to educational
attainment and mental activities. Therefore, social activities are necessary.
Taking part of family’s and friend’s
activities is not only a wonderful way to have a rich and diverse life, but
also creates the connections between people and reduces the risk of Alzheimer
and dementia development.
5. Worrying too much

managing is not easy to many people.
Worrying too much can cause bad effects on
your body. Worry causes stress.
According to scientists, reducing stress
helps prevent heart diseases and increase life expectancy. Stress managing is
not easy to many people. To control the stress, you can do yoga, meditation,
deep breathing or other physical activities, which help bring mood differences.
6. Brain lacks action
Sensible brain activities will be good for
health and life expectancy, but if you overuse brain activities or
brainstorming, those benefits will be badly affected.
According to researches, if parts of the
brain have chances to work effectively, the brain cells will be diverse.
Otherwise, they will be shrunk. You should increase brain activities and
nutrition supply to brain to prevent aging and shrinking of cells.
Combining work and rest will reduce all
negative stimulation to the brain; if right-handed people use left hand and leg
more often, it’ll be very good for brain function improvement.
7. Contacting with the sun too much

is the source of UV, a kind of ray that destroys skin and cause skin cancer.
Sun is the source of UV, a kind of ray that
destroys skin and cause skin cancer. The time that you contact too much with
the sun or have sunburn in childhood is all the risk of basal cell cancer
development (the most popular skin cancer). Basking can cause cancer to people
at all ages. Skin and face are the most sensitive parts of the body, so they
can be easily damaged by the sun.
Thought sun light has lots of good effects
on human health as it prevents rickets, brings you a pinky and healthy skin by
providing it vitamin D, it also has bad sides. For that reason, a part from
protect your skin and health by using sunscreen products with its high SPF
index, you should avoid going out in the afternoon.
8. Not absorbing enough calcium
Calcium is very important to the health of
bones and the latter osteoporosis prevention. According to the professional,
that calcium can reduce the risk of early death is that it can lower blood
pressure, the level of cholesterol or blood sugar.
The American Heart Association recommends
that adult should have 1,000 mg calcium a day. Some of diverse sources that
provide calcium are skim milk, yogurt, cheese, broccoli, kale, cereals…
9. Not doing exercise

who have regular exercises have the better life expectancy than people who
Practicing regular physical training can
delay the risk of body’s function impairments and reduce the risk of chronic
diseases in old people. People who have regular exercises have the better life
expectancy than those who don’t.
The time that should be spent on exercises
depends on your physical state and condition. However, you just need to spend 2
and a half hour a week for exercising to have good health. Fast walking,
cycling, swimming and jogging are easy ways to do the necessary exercise. Just
so you know, as you’re relaxed by chatting with people (walking or jogging with
a friend) when doing exercise, it’ll be difficult to you to concentrate on the
10. Not
spending time in the resting

who do housework often complain that they always feel tired and stressed.
In fact, many women feel confused and
guilty spending time for themselves, though; the periods of time are important
to maintain the health, in general. You should spend time with yourself
creating more energy and renewable your physical and spiritual state of health.
Women who do housework often complain that they always feel tired and stressed.