The Aussie supermodel’s yoga
instructor Charlotte Dodson shows you how to hold back the clock with this
age-busting yoga regime
Sun salutations (easy variation)
Warms up joints and muscles. Remember, energy gives you energy! Make sure you
move and stay limber.
Stand with your feet together, toes
forward, and knees slightly bent. Relax your arms at your sides, palms in. Lift
your chest, roll your shoulders back and down. Look straight ahead and breathe
deeply for a minute. Inhale and raise your arms out to the side (palms up)
until overhead. Exhale and bend forward from the hips, keeping your arms
extended in front of you as your hands reach down to touch the shins, feet or
floor. Hold for 15 seconds. In hale and rise, bringing arms overhead; exhale
and lower arms to sides. Repeat three times.

salutations (easy variation)
Warrior 1
internally strengthening pose – this will give you power, determination and
courage. It strengthens and stretches legs, glutes, abs and arms.
From the top of your mat, lunge your left
leg one leg-distance back. Ground your back toes, and press firmly through your
front foot. Keep your hips square to the top of your mar, and inhale your arms
up overhead, with your palms together. Either take your gaze forward or up to
your thumbs if you have your balance. Breathe deeply and hold for 5 – 10
breaths. To release, inhale as you return your back foot to the top of your mat
repeat on the other side.

Lying twist
Improves flexibility and release tension in spine and hips. This pose balances
both body and mind. It can also help to unravel all those hard-to-treat
problems, getting into all those knots and tight areas, and helping to
alleviate the strain.
Lie flat on your back. Keep your left leg
straight as you bring your right foot to your left thigh and draw it across the
body. Bring your arms out at shoulder distance and look away from your knee, to
the opposite shoulder. Breathe deeply for 5 – 10 breaths, then repeat on the
other side.
