improves circulation and revives tired, cramped feet and legs. Also relaxes the
heart, promoting a good sleep
Sit to the side of the wall and swivel your
legs up so you are against the wall. Keep your knees bent if that’s more
comfortable, and let your legs roll out slightly. Place your hands down by your
sides, on your belly or across your chest to connect with your heart. Allow
your eyes to close and drop your chin down to protect your neck. Let your
breathing be natural and long with equal inhales and exhales.
*Skip this pose if you are menstruating,
have high blood pressure, glaucoma or a neck injury.

Half backbend
Backbends allow you to embrace every moment and opportunity – to remain
light-hearted, at any age! Turn yourself inside-out with a backbend as it
strengthens and stretches your back, chest and arms
Lie on your back. Bring your feet
hip-distance apart, and keep your feet firmly pressed down into the floor. On
your exhale, roll your lower back, middle and chest up towards the ceiling.
Roll your shoulders under and interlace your hands together (alternatively,
keep your palms pressing into the floor). Imagine you’re squeezing a brick
between your leg muscles. Keep your chest lifting up towards your chin and tuck
your chin in towards your throat. Keep your hips lifting up and your buttocks
soft. Hold and breathe deeply for 5 – 10 breaths and repeat another 2 – 3
times. To release, roll down mindfully on your exhale.

Child pose
This relaxes, rests and restores, as it stretches your spine. By giving
yourself time out to truly be aware of how you’re feeling, this restful pose
can give you the reflective moments needed to change your mind-set and go for
the life you have dreamed for yourself.
Come into a kneeling pose and sit back
gently onto your heels. Sit down onto your feet and, at the same time, lengthen
your arms out in front of you. Keep your shoulders down and your forehead
resting on the floor (or on a cushion). Hold and breathe deeply for one minute
or longer.

The importance of breathing
The feeling when you actually “stop” for a
few moments and focus on your breathing can make you far more productive.
That’s where wisdom arrives – in silence – which is always there for us. It can
take quite a few attempts to actually master this and find the quiet stillness
Breathing is the most powerful tool you
have. It’s the bridge between your body and mind, and allows you to stay in the
present moment. Use your breath to lead you into (and out of) each yoga pose,
moving at a relaxed pace.
Breathe deeply through your nose (with lips
closed). When you inhale, you whole body expands and uplifts. On your exhale,
your body naturally contracts and allows you to let everything go.