By the women who should know!
Few of us can afford a personal
trainer or dietitian – but we all want their tips for staying happy and
healthy. So we asked four of the UK’s top experts to share the secrets they
live by – and guess what? Chocolate is OK!
The Dietitian
Laura Clark, 33, is a registered
nutrition professional offering tailored dietary advice
My health rules

“In fact, I have chocolate most
When people find out what I do, they expect
me to have a perfect diet. In fact, I have chocolate most days and not one
square of the organic, dark stuff – a fun-size bar of whatever I fancy. Small
portions of treats are part of a healthy diet. Seeing them as naughty, stuffing
them down in secret is a surefire route to disordered eating. Savour treats and
don’t beat yourself up about it. Heath for me means being active (I walk
everywhere and love Pilates) and enjoying nutritious food: I can’t get enough
fruit and vegetables and never skip breakfast.
My current goal
I need more calcium, a vital bone mineral.
Dairy is the best source, but many women go short for fear it’s high in fat. It
doesn’t have to be, if you choose low-fat produce, such as semi-skimmed milk.
For me, it’s lack of milk, as I don’t like coffee or tea, so I need more
low-fat yoghurt and cheese. I don’t believe in supplements when you can get the
nutrients from food.
My new favourite tip
All the new research I’m reading shows
whole grains are where it’s at, which helps me convince clients that carbs aren’t
the enemy. Whole grains play a big role in heart health, weight control,
immunity and reducing bowel cancer and type 2 diabetes risk. One serving is
16g, and you need three a day, so that’s a slice of whole meal bread, a couple
of handfuls of plain popcorn (yes, it’s a wholegrain!), or 2-3 tablespoons of
dry cereal or cooked wholegrain pasta or brown rice.
If you do nothing else…
Eat regular, balanced meals. People
over-complicate nutrition by subscribing to unsustainable fads, believing in
‘superfoods’ or their ‘bad’ opposite. The reality? There’s no such thing as bad
food, only bad diets. Sit down to regular meals that include cards, protein and
fruit or veg and you can’t go wrong.; @lecnutrition
The Life Coach
Sarah Oakley, 31, is a yoga teacher and
stress-management expert
My health rules
I live by four principles from yogic
tradition: exercise, relaxation, a wholesome diet and daily positive thinking
or meditation.

is an important part of my life
Meditation is an important part of my life.
The idea can bring to mind mysticism and seem an impossible skill, but it’s
easier than you think. Basically, it means doing anything that allows you to
focus and calm your mind. I do a walking meditation while out with Alfie, my
dog – just concentrating on my breathing, matching it to my steps. Meditation
helps you to feel peaceful and more in control of your life. The health
benefits include reduced heart rate, deep relaxation, reduced stress hormones
and stronger immunity. It’s ‘rest without sleep’, and studies have shown it
lowers biological age.
My current goal
I don’t feel physically strong enough at
the moment, so I need to make more time for some dynamic yoga. And I need to
get to bed earlier.
My new favourite tip
I read an interview with spiritual guru
Deepak Chopra, who said two questions can dictate your lifespan: ‘Do you have a
sense of purpose?’ and ‘Do you like your job?’ If you say yes to both, you’ll
live longer and suffer fewer health problems. This resonated with me. Lack of
self-worth and job satisfaction are two of the most common reasons clients come
to me.
If you do nothing else…
Spend your free time productively. If you
want to feel calm, do something peaceful. If you want to feel content, do
things that make you happy. Take a negative in your life and look for its
opposite. It sounds simple, but it’s easy to follow the crowd to the bar after
work on Friday when, if we followed our instincts, we might prefer something
else. We don’t get a lot of spare time; it’s important to make the most of it.; @yummyyogasarah