Want to master a whole-body exercise?
Try the classic deadlift, and these nifty variations
There are some great exercises that work
your body from head to toe: think lunge and wood chop, clean and press and the
infamous burpee. But, deadlifts keep it simple. They take seconds to complete
and are great for fat burning and strength.
Remember to warm up in increments of lower
weights on the bar. You should eventually use a weight that’s as heavy as you
can manage to lift with perfect form for the full number of sets.
Kit You’ll Need
Weighted bar
1. The Classic Total- Body Lift
Areas trained: Bottom, thighs, lower back,
upper back, core, shoulders

trained: Bottom, thighs, lower back, upper back, core, shoulders
Stand with your feet hip-width apart with a
bar in front of you on the floor.
Squat down to pick up the bar with an
overhand grip, keeping your spine neutral, keep your hands just wider than
shoulder-width apart, so they’re just outside your knees.
Push your heels into the floor and extend
your legs and hips. Lower and repeat.
Beginner: 3 x 5 reps (5 - 20kg)
Intermediate: 4 x 5 reps (20 - 40kg)
Advanced: 5 x 5 reps (40kg)
Safety Tip
Keep looking forward throughout
2. The Lower-Body Toner
Stiff-leg deadlift
Areas trained: Calves, rear thighs, bottom,
lower back, upper back, core, shoulders
Keeping a natural arch in your back, bend
at the hips to pick up the bar with an overhand grip, hands just wider than
shoulder-width apart.
Brace your core and extend your hips until
your body is straight, keeping the bar close to your body.
Lower and repeat.
Beginner: 3 x 5 re ps (5 -20kg)
Intermediate: 4 x 5 re ps (20-40kg)
Advanced: 5 x 5 re ps (40kg)
Safety Tip
Keep a slight bend in your knees
3. The One-Leg Challenge
Single straight-leg deadlift
Areas trained: Calves, rear thighs, bottom,
core, lower back, upper back, shoulders

trained: Calves, rear thighs, bottom, core, lower back, upper back, shoulders
Stand on one leg and lower your upper body
allowing your free leg to rise behind you.
Pick up the bar with an overhand grip,
hands just wider than shoulder-width apart. Brace your core and extend
your hips until you’re upright.
Lower and repeat.
Beginner: 3 x 5 reps (3-8kg)
Intermediate: 4 x 5 reps (8-1 5kg)
Advanced: 5 x 5 reps (15 -20kg)
Safety Tip
Don’t let your hips tilt too far forward