Heart disease has expressions such as having
difficulty in breathing and pain in chest, especially typical intense pain in
chest; however, this doesn’t mean that not all people can catch this symptom.
Therefore, we shouldn’t disregard the following symptoms
1. Losing hair
Youth men lose hair in the top of head, so
it can increase the risk of heart disease.
Research proved that people that have bushy
hair and their hair in the top is less, the risk of heart disease will increase
23%. Bald men have the risk of increasing heart disease to 36%.
Research considered that losing hair of men
has relation to hormone of male sex and this hormone relates to arteriosclerosis.
Therefore, bald men must pay attention more to health of heart.

men must pay attention more to health of heart.
2. Edema in foot
When you use finger to press ankle or calf
strongly, there is a deep hole after pressing strongly. That hole cannot be
elastic and become the original position. This is edema in foot.
When your heart cannot work normally and it
means the circulation of blood reduces, humor will accumulate in calf. At this
time, it also has other symptoms such as urinating a lot, the less amount of
urine, the increasing of weight, couching a lot in the evening…and it also has
the appearance of edema in the low calf, especially ankle, and after that it
gradually develops to the whole body. When you have this phenomenon, you should
quickly go to the hospital to check.

edema appears in the low calf, especially ankle, you should go to the hospital
to check.
3. Disease about teeth and mouth
Research proved that disease around teeth
has close relation to heart disease. Making hygiene the upper jaw, teeth and
mouth will reduce heart disease.
4. Yellow liposome on skin
Yellow liposome is a disease that
accumulates fat, mainly damage skin. When skin, especially near the corner of
eyes, has the combination of yellow and orange, has rash or freckle, you should
check whether it is yellow liposome or not.
People that have this symptom often have
disorder about exchanging fat, so the risk of heart disease also increases.
Therefore, you need to pay attention to the level of fat in your blood and check
it on time and get hyperlipidemia to adjust to the normal range.
5. Cataract

that have cataract will make the risk of heart disease increase.
According to a lot of researches, people
that have cataract will make the risk of heart disease increase although this
rate is 10%.
However, this research is the reminder for
people that catch cataract to pay attention to health of heart.