There are some simple ways to have a
healthy body such as standing on one foot to brush teeth, limiting to comb
hair, or opening window when going to bed.

a snack before going to bed
1. Stand on one food to brush teeth
Standing like that will firm muscle and
protect the back. This exercise also maintains balance and improves body shape.
First of all, stand on left foot until you feel tired and turn to the right
2. Put mirror on working desk in front of you
Sometimes looking in the mirror will help
you know if you sit in wrong positions; otherwise, it causes neck pain,
backache and shoulder pain. Looking yourself in the mirror reminds you to turn
to right positions.
3. Buy shoes in the end of the day
Your feet are often swelled after long
working day and also due to heat. Buying shoes in the end of the day means that
you choose a pair of shoes when your feet are biggest. That will fit you most.

should buy shoes in the end of the day.
4. Have a snack before going to bed
When food is over, body will take sugar
from reserved energy and that can cause headache. By eating a bowl of cereal
before bed, you can remove the risk of headache.
5. Bring allergic medicine when going out
Whenever going out all day, especially in
the summer, you should bring allergic medicine with you. It will be useful when
you are bitten by insects and if using medicine immediately, they will decrease
itch effectively. Waiting until going home to take medicine will make condition
more uncomfortable and difficult to treat.
6. Brush teeth before having breakfast
During sleeping, bacteria and dental plates
will be created on teeth. If you eat breakfast immediately without brushing
teeth, bacteria will proliferate quickly thanks to sugar and acid in foods, and
then increase the risk of dental caries.
7. Use sunscreen every day
There are many benefits when using
sunscreen even in the winter in order to protect skin from UV. Sunscreen does
not need high level of SPF, 15 to 20 is okay. But in the summer, you should use
one having SPF 30 – 40, even the sun is not blazing like that.
8. Wear ear plugs when using lawn mower
You may not care but these operations have
quite high sound intensity – intensity over 85 decibels will make ears deaf
while that of mower can be up to 94 decibels. Whenever doing noisy work, you
should wear ear plugs.
9. Take glasses off to reduce fatigue
With short-sighted people, when feeling
tired, take glasses off in a few minutes, stop what you are doing such as
reading book, looking on computer screen, and close the eyes. That will stretch
eye muscle, reduce muscle strain, and remove fatigue.
10. Take
off coat when working
If wearing suit, take jacket off as soon as
possible. Any tight jackets make body uncomfortable and have backache. That
makes you breathe by upper half of lungs causing shoulder pain and shortness of

not use mouthwash right after brushing teeth.
11. Spit
out and do not use mouthwash after brushing teeth
When brushing teeth, you should spit out, and
do not wash anything in your mouth. Washing will decrease effect of fluoride
because you will remove fluoride out. Therefore, you should not use mouthwash
right after brushing teeth.
12. Lie
on right side to prevent indigestion
When you eat too full or have indigestion,
lie on the right side. Esophagus is linked with stomach on the left side of the
body, so lie on the right side to help food move better through digestive