Perhaps you have never heard these tips
before for losing weight, but their result is wonderful.
Weight loss is really necessary, especially
in summer days when you want to put on nice dress. Little tips for weight loss
as below will be exciting suggestions for you.
1. Drink cooking oil

cooking oil
When writer of “Shangri-La Diet”, the
Professor and Psychologist Seth Roberts, gave this method of weight loss, many
people said it was crazy idea. Seth did not care the public, he continued
researching this issue, and a decade later it was proven.
Diet according to “Shangri-La Diet” is
drinking regularly 1-3 spoons of sugar water and 1-2 spoons of olive oil; take
mixture 2-3 times a day among meals. According to Seth, that will restraint
appetite and helps to lose weight effectively.
Seth indicated that when you eat familiar
foods with lots of attractive smell, the brain will be stimulated to be hungry,
causing appetite, and you will try to eat them in any way. But when you use
foods that are strange and do not have smell, you will feel bored and do not
want to eat. By that way, you will reduce weight more quickly.
2. Use spicy

The way to use food spices is very
necessary to control portion and lose weight. Research shows that people have a
tendency to eat less food which has new taste or much spices. Mixing many kinds
of different spices, especially turmeric and cinnamon, is good for health
because they not only reduce weight, but also treat diseases and prevent oxidation
3. Do not divide into many meals

not divide into many meals
In the past, the concept of diet was
dividing into 5-6 meals per day. However, researchers say that eating too
frequently can cause to disorder natural signals of body. Furthermore, have
junk foods a lot, you cannot calculate level of calories providing for the body.
Many small meals create feeling of not enjoying sufficient meal.
Researchers say that a good diet is not
having sugar, not eating junk foods during 6 days and only one day letting the
body to choose favorite foods.
4. Eat sweet foods while cooking

sweet foods while cooking
According to cooks, reasons that make them
easy to gain weight are tasting dishes during cooking. According to experts,
eating sweet foods while cooking will limit that problem. Hard candy with
pepper mint, cinnamon, orange or lemon flavor will help to balance taste and
make you not think about testing dishes.
5. Clamp nose
Everyone knows that nose have an important
role in meal. But when clamping nose, dish will be lost much flavor, so you are
not worried about eating too much.
6. Cake for breakfast

for breakfast
Eating cake for breakfast seems to be the
worst device about diet, but Israel researchers say that people who have
breakfast in rich of protein and carbohydrate do not gain weight compared to
those who choose breakfast without sweet foods. Just a cake for breakfast will
help you restraint carving of sweet all day long.
Moreover, when taking diet, you should not
persist in rules. Forcing body to pursue a diet too long can cause bad effect
for body. The best way is following diet but letting body feel free once a week
in order to avoid tired and inspire for continuing losing weight.