Come into the 33rd week, baby has
been equal to a durian.
Overall development
For the 33-week fetus, although its lung
has not completed yet, it can inhale a little amniotic fluid to practice for
lung and learn how to breathe.

fetus has size equaling to a durian.
Some babies have full hair while some just
have a few ones. Babies who have a black hair when born do not mean that they
will have thick hair later, but they usually have thin hair when growing up.
For boys, two testicles have left abdomen
to scrota. However, one or both testicles are sometimes not in right position
even when they are born. 2/3 of boys who are hidden testicles will be cured themselves
before they are one year old.
Fetal size
In the 33rd week, the baby weighs
1.8-2 kg and its length from head to heel is about 42-43 cm (from head to
buttock is about 29-30 cm).

the 33rd week, the baby weighs 1.8-2 kg.
Mother’s symptoms
At that time, pregnant women often have
headache due to fluctuating hormones, stress, or dehydration.
Pressure of babies is bigger and bigger,
making pregnant women difficult to breathe.
One more popular sign in this period of
pregnant women is that they are forgetful and clumsy. These symptoms are
Things to do
From this week, pregnant women need to
schedule antenatal care twice a week.
Prepare ready all things for welcoming

Weeks. Baby's Weight
Good things to do
Practice Kegel exercise to support
Join antenatal classes.
Take photographs.
Go shopping for newborn babies
Make detailed plan for childbirth.