In week 36, the fetus occupies most of space
in your uterus.
Overall development
In the 36th week of pregnancy,
fuzz on baby’s skin starts losing gradually together with sebum. Sebum is a
quite thick cream to protect baby’s skin during 9 months of soaking in amniotic
fluid. Combination between sebum and amniotic fluid creates excrements of
One of the most important stages of fetal
development is completion of lungs and respiratory system. If having got
premature birth, babies are easy to suffer respiratory depress syndrome from
birth. The reason is uncompleted development of lungs; babies are not able to
breathe themselves but replying on support of breathing machine and oxygen.
Therefore, in week 36, lung and respiratory system of babies are perfected

fetus is equal to about a melon.
At that time, elbows, knees and head of
babies can rise on mothers’ abdomen when they stretch their body or wiggle.
Their face looks plump caused by fat layers under skin and strong development
of muscle.
Baby’s hair can be 5 centimeters length.
Finger nails and toe nails are also very long, so you can have to cut the nails
when babies are a few months old.
At that time, your uterus side and abdomen side
are stretching most, they are thinner and thinner. This is chance for babies to
learn and get accustomed to circadian rhythm of day and night because light can
go through abdomen a little. Babies begin playing with fingers, and kidneys
also develop completely. Liver starts implementing its function of filter.
At the end of this week, your children seem
to be considered enough month-age. That means babies are from 37 to 42 weeks
old. All babies who are born before 37 weeks called preterm birth and after 42
weeks called post-mature birth.
Baby’s size
In the 36th week, babies also
increase their weight in rate of about 28g per day. At that time, they are
about 2.7-2.75 kg weight (as a melon) and length of whole body is approximately
47 cm (length from head to buttock is about 33-34 cm).

week 36, body length is about 47 cm.
Mother’s symptoms
You feel your body seem stretch maximum,
uterus spreads 1000 times as much as the beginning and touches near ribs.
Weight gain of mothers is normally 11.5-13.5
kg, and from now you will gain weight very little or do not gain weight until
giving birth.
When mothers’ abdomen is bigger and bigger,
they are easy to lose balance. That means they can fall down easily, so they must
be more careful.
Mothers are able to be difficult to sleep
because babies kick in their body too much. Let sleep on one side and use
pillows to assist. You can also sweat more.

feel your body seem stretch maximum, uterus spreads 1000 times as much as the
beginning and touches near ribs.
Things you need to do
It’s the time you went to obstetric center
in order to learn how to breathe in every afternoon.
Another thing that mothers should learn at
that time is how to wear diapers for babies – it will help babies feel safe and
have the same condition as in mother’s womb.
Buy a pair of breasting bras if you do not
have any one.
Even though you are tired, you may be
inspired with washing up your house. However, you should avoid working too
hard, causing to be premature.
From the 36th week, you can go
into labor anytime. Therefore, you should visit doctor every week and be ready
in psychology for childbirth.
Good things you should do
It’s time for coming fathers massaged their
wives’ abdomen in order to make “emotional string” between dads and babies be
more closed.
Make a detailed plan for childbirth, take
note all telephone numbers of husband, hospitals, doctors, and nurses in case
that you get childbirth suddenly.