During pregnancy, the sweat secretion of
sweat glands will strongly operate and make pregnant women sweat more than
normal people; one out of five water amounts was discharged. Therefore,
pregnant women need to keep the body clean, especially sensitive parts that are
easily have sweat abeyance like in the chest, bellybutton, armpit, the closed
areas and G areas.
Taking care of the chest area is an important
thing and not allowed to skip because it can directly affect milk quality in
the future. To clean the chest, pregnant women can use warm water and gently
towel it. Never strongly rub the nipples to avoid uterine contractions that can
lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

women need to keep the body clean.
This is the direct connection between
pregnant women and their fetuses so it’s worth cleaning. To clean the area,
pregnant women can use cotton swab, wet the cotton swab with clean water and
gently clean the button. Never rub the button strongly or it’ll be injured and
In pregnancy, many pregnant women are not
happy with the armpit because that area will have darker skin then others,
which lead to the feeling that it’s not clean, especially in summer. The reason
is due to hormone changes, the melanin secretion of pituitary glands, which
helps increase the pigmentation, although, the phenomenon will disappear after
birth. To clean to armpit area, pregnant women should use warm water and soap
gently clean the area.
When pregnant, the body increases secreting
estrogen and progesterone, making the vaginal discharge more fluid so that it’s
always wet. Therefore, keeping the vagina clean all the time is one of the most
important things that can bring you a healthy pregnancy. You’d better clean the
area every day with clean water and reduce sanitizing solution, cleaning deep
inside the vagina or using shower gels that are too sensitive.

shower after eating full can directly affect the digestive system, in the worse
situation, it can cause blood sugar decrease and bad effects on pregnant women
and fetuses.
Notes that pregnant women should take of when taking
Avoid showering after eating full:
showering after eating full will make the blood vessels expand, which makes the
blood go under and lead to poor blood supply to digestion. In the worse
situation, it can bring sudden hypoglycemia to pregnant women.
Do not take shower when the blood pressure
is getting low: In pregnancy, pregnant women often feel tired. If you feel
tired and find that your blood pressure is low, you need to take a break before
showering. That’s because showering when blood pressure is low will make the
blood vessels expand and make the blood hardly go to the brain and fetus, which
can cause unexpected result to mother and child.

women should sunbath for too long.
Be careful in the beach: Though the fresh
air and airy space of the beach is very good for pregnant women and fetuses,
pregnant women need to consider these following notes: do not let the body in
dehydration which can reduce the blood transfer to fetuses; limit drinking
seawater as seawater can increase the level of salt in blood, which leads to
erythrocyte rupture or contraction that decreases the amount of blood in
circulation and not having enough blood and oxygen to provide to fetuses; avoid
spending long time in the sea or sunbathing for too long because it can bring
cold to pregnant women and affect fetuses, etc.