Too hot or cold bathing is not good for
The weather is getting complicated, the
temperature is sometimes too high and followed by ill-timed rains and the
humidity increase which all cause discomfort, the heat to people, especially
pregnant women. Moreover, in pregnancy, specific physiological changes make
sweat glands strongly operate, which makes pregnant women sweat a lot and
discharge lots of vaginal fluid. That helps increase bathing needs. However,
there’s not every pregnant women knows how to bath in the right way in
pregnancy. In that case, they can accidentally badly affect the heath of them
and their fetuses.
Neither hot nor cold is good
According to doctor’s recommendation,
bathing with too hot (hotter than body temperature) will increase the
temperature of pregnant women as well as the amniotic fluid and prevent the
process of providing oxygen to fetuses. A part from causing dangerous effects
on pregnant women’s health, such as blood pressure increase, lots of sweating,
the bathing is also dangerous to fetal developments such as fetal malformations,
brain development obstacle, scoliosis, abnormal mental system development, permanent
damage of joints, organizational muscle deficiency, underweight birth, weak
physical state, stunt and stillbirth… in the less serious situation, it causes
fetal inhibition of brain, which latter affect the baby’s intelligence.
Especially, the result will get worse when if pregnant women spend more than 15
minutes a day for the bathing. Hence, pregnant women should take bath with
water that is around 34-36 degrees Celsius and avoid taking bath for too long a

to avoid hot bath and staying long in the water in order not to harm you and
your fetus.
The bath that is too hot is harmful but,
the cold bath is not a good choice for pregnant women. Though in summer, the
weather is hot, which makes you want to take cold bath to let the cold water
get rid of your discomfort caused by hot sunshine and dirt, cold bath is still
a wrong concept that pregnant women should never put in mind.
Cold bath is already not good for normal
people as t can cause bad effects on health, such as cold, heartbeat and blood
pressure increase, muscle contraction and mental stress…. To pregnant women who
have a weaker resistance, the sudden cold water can make their blood vessels contracted,
intervene blood circulation and the process of providing nutrients to fetuses,
which affect the heath of pregnant women and their fetuses. Instead of cold
water, pregnant women should choose water that is higher than 20 degrees
Celsius and use the elbow to check the water temperature as it is the most
sensitive part in the body and more safely to be used than hands or feet.
Bathing tools and time limit
Many pregnant women think that pregnancy
will make them tired and bathing is the most relaxing time so they should spend
as long time as the want in bathing. This is completely not good for pregnant
women and their fetuses. Because in pregnancy, especially in the late period of
pregnancy, the cervix will get shorter, which makes the vaginal resistance
decrease and leads to infections, and spending time in the bath will increase
the chance of viral intrusion to the cervix, causing infections to mother and

the bathroom space is often narrow, airtight and wet, bathing for 30 minutes or
more can make capillaries expand.
At the same time, as the bathroom space is
often narrow, airtight and wet, bathing for 30 minutes or more can make
capillaries expand, which lead to a poor blood supply to the brain and the fact
that pregnant women feel tired, have headache, dizziness and poor nutrient
supply to fetuses, which cause fetal heartbeat increase and bad effects on
fetal mental system. The best amount of time that you should spend in bathing
is about 10-30 minutes, avoid windy areas.

is very good for pregnant women as it can guarantee hygiene and massage the
body, which helps you feel relaxed.
The best way to clean the body to pregnant
women is using the shower which guarantees the hygiene and the relaxation when
the water-jet gently massages your entire body. If you don’t use the shower,
you can use a small pot of warm water and a bucket to chill the body. Pregnant
women shouldn’t sit or stand for too long to shampoo because it can affect the
uterus. Besides, don’t over-save energy as not turning on the light when using
bathroom because despite the sunlight, the humidity in bathroom can bring many
troubles to pregnant women, such as falling. Using flippers that are adhesive can
prevent you from unfortunate accident in the slippy bathroom.