Cardio-only workouts: days 1,3 and 5
As you run harder, bike faster or climb
higher the intensity of the exercise, the longer your metabolism will stay
elevated afterward. That doesn't mean you get a free pass for a piece of
cheesecake, but you will get a mini metabolic lift if you add bursts of time
(intervals) during which you push your limits.

For the following plans, choose any cardio
activity, either outdoors or on cardio equipment in the gym. If you use cardio
equipment, set the machine to manual and change the resistance, speed or
incline to reach the indicated intensity.
Exercise: Warm-up, Time 5 min, Inetensity
RPE 3, Total Calories burned 130 – 315 (walking)
Exercise: Steady pace, Time 20 - 50 min,
Inetensity RPE 4 - 6, Total Calories burned 280 - 690 (running)
Exercise: Cool - down, Time 5 min,
Inetensity RPE 3
Exercise: Warm-up, Time 10 min, Inetensity
RPE 3, Total Calories burned 170 - 288 (walking)
Exercise: Steady pace, Time 20 - 35 min,
Inetensity Alternate between 30 seconds at RPE 4 and 30 seconds at RPW 7 - 8,
Total Calories burned 160 - 568 (running)
Exercise: Cool - down, Time 5 min,
Inetensity RPE 3
Challenge circuit: Days 2,4 and 6
The Challenge Circuit alternates six
minutes of cardio with supersets of strength exercises. (See over page)

Each cardio bout should start with three
minutes at an easy pace (RPE 3). Then crank up your intensity level for each of
the remaining three minutes, increasing your speed, incline or resistance.
Follow this schedule on Challenge days:
Warm-up: 6 minutes cardio
Superset 1: 6 minutes cardio
Superset 2: 6 minutes cardio
Superset 3: 6 minutes cardio (optinal)
Strength surge
Why just do lunges when you can do a lunge
and a torso twist? Instead of only working your legs and butt, you'll work your
abs too. By engaging more than one muscle group at once, you burn more calories
in less time.

As part of your Challenge Circuit, unless
otherwise noted do either 10-15 reps of each move or perform each exercise for
30-60 seconds, going on to the next move without resting in between moves.
Alternate these two techniques during the week.
Superset 1: 1 & 2moves
Squat, Jump Combo
Stand, feet hip-width apart, holding a 2-
to 4kg medicine ball in front of chest, elbows bent, abs pulled in, chest
lifted. Extend arms and ball overhead, then bend knees, lowering hips until
thighs are as close to parallel to ground as possible [A]. Straighten legs to
start position, still holding ball overhead, and repeat for time or reps. Then
put ball down and bend knees into a squat. Straighten legs and jump, driving
arms above head [B]. Land and immediately bend knees, bringing arms back down
to sides and lowering into a squat. Repeat for time or reps.

Jump Combo
Strengthens quadriceps,
hamstrings, buttocks, calves, upper back and shoulders
Push-up Combo
Kneel with knees under hips and wrists
slightly forward and to the side of your shoulders, arms straight, not locked.
Extend both legs behind you, balancing on balls of feet (if that's too hard,
keep knees on ground). Pull abs in and press hips slightly forward so torso
forms a straight line from head to heels (or hips). Bend elbows, lowering chest
toward ground, until elbows align with shoulders [A]. Straighten arms and
repeat for time or reps. Then, with knees on ground, bend elbows and do a
push-up. As arms straighten, push off the ground so hands leave ground in a
plyo push-up [B]. Place hands on ground and repeat for time or reps (if this is
too difficult, do plyo push-up with hands on a step).

Strengthens chest,
front shoulders and triceps