Superset 2: Movies 3,4 & 5
Lunge Matrix
Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands on
hips (or hold 2- to 4kg dumbbells at hips). Step forward with left foot,
bending both knees so left knee aligns with left ankle and right knee points
toward ground, heel lifted. Once stable, hinge forward from hips and extend
hands (or both dumbbells) toward outside of left ankle [A]. Straighten torso
and push back to starting position. Keep right leg straight and step sideways
with left foot, bending left knee so knee aligns with left ankle; reach hands
(or dumbbells) toward outside of left ankle [B]. Straighten torso and push back
to starting position. For a greater challenge, finish by lunging backward with
left foot, rotating torso to the left to reach behind you toward left ankle
(not shown), this completes one rep. Return to starting position and repeat
lunges on right side, then continue alternating sides for reps or time.

Strengthens quadriceps,
hamstrings, buttocks, upper hips, inner thighs, calves and abdominals
Single row with leg balance
Stand with left leg extended slightly
behind you, heel lifted. Hold a 2- to 4kg dumbbell in left hand, arm hanging at
side in line with shoulder, palm in, right hand on hip. Hinge forward from
hips, lifting left leg behind to hip height [A]. Maintain balance and bend left
elbow up and back toward lower rib cage [B]. Straighten arm to start position
and repeat row for time or reps. Repeat on other side.

row with leg balance
Strengthens middle and upper back,
rear shoulders, abdominals, spine extensors and buttocks; upper hips and inner
thighs work as stabilisers
Squat to knee lift, curl and press
Stand holding 2- to 4kg dumbbells in hands,
arms hanging at sides, palms facing in, abs tight. Bend knees, lowering hips
toward ground in a squat. Straighten legs and lift right knee as you bend
elbows, bringing dumbbells toward shoulders in a hammer curl [A]. Extend both
arms overhead into a press [B]. Bend elbows, straighten arms to sides and place
foot on ground. Repeat, starting with squat, lifting left knee . Alternate
sides for reps or time

to knee lift, curl and press
Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks,
biceps, front and middle shoulders and upper back
Superset 3: Movies 6,7 & 8
Med – ball Wall Throw
Stand with back to wall, more than an arm's
distance away, feet separated hip-width apart, knees bent into a quarter-squat.
Hold a 2- to 4kg medicine ball in front of chest, elbows bent and slightly away
from rib cage [A]. Straighten legs and arms as you rotate to left, using hip
rotation to throw ball powerfully against wall behind you [B]. Fully extend body
and arms so ball bounces off wall and back to you as you rotate back to centre.
Repeat on right side. Alternate sides for reps or time

– ball Wall Throw
Strengthens chest,
front shoulders, triceps, quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and obliques; hip
rotators work as stabilisers
Step-up to Knee lift jump
Stand facing a 20-30cm step, arms at sides.
Step up on platform with right foot [A]. Push off left foot to drive left knee
to hip height as you hop on right foot, landing on platform. Let arms move naturally
in opposition to legs [B]. Step down with left foot, then right. Repeat
stepping up with right foot for reps or time, then switch to stepping up with
left foot for reps or time to complete set.

to Knee lift jump
quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, calves, upper hips and inner thighs;
abdominals and spine extensors work as stabilisers
Hover to side plank
Begin on hands and knees. Extend both legs
behind you, abs pulled in so body forms a straight line from head to heels.
Bend elbows, keeping them close to sides, and lower torso until hovering above
ground [A]. Hold for 10-30 seconds, lowering knees to ground if necessary.
Straighten arms, pressing torso to start position. Then stack left foot on
right, legs straight, and rotate torso to left into a side plank, right arm
straight. Extend left arm in air. Hold for 10-30 seconds, lower arm and rotate
torso toward ground. Repeat entire combo of three to five more times,
alternating sides

to side plank
Strengthens chest,
shoulders, upper and middle back, triceps, abdominals, spine extensors;
buttocks, upper hips and inner thighs work as stabilisers