Familiar foods in the garden such as fresh
lemon, ginger are capable of treating morning sickness effectively.
Top familiar foods for treating morning sickness
Sipping a glass of water containing a few
slices of fresh lemon is also an effective way of anti-nausea. Even when you
are feeling nauseated, just sniff fresh lemon. The fresh lemon slices will also
make you comfortable during morning sickness period.

Or, you can apply following remedy for
morning sickness treatment by lemon: Peel 500g fresh lemon and remove the
seeds, cut into small pieces, mix them up with sugar or honey, leave the
mixture in one day. Then burn in small fire until the water runs out, let cool,
add a little white sugar. Put the mixture into a glass jar for gradually using.
When you have feeling of nausea, eating 1-2 spoons can help reduce it.
helps reducing feeling of nausea
Ginger has been proved to have capability
of anti-nausea. A research in 2010 in Sidney shows that beside the
effect of reducing feeling of nausea, ginger also limits severity and helps you
vomit less if any… You can eat ginger candy, drink ginger tea or ginger

Try eating banana for breakfast because
banana is very rich in potassium and is well-known as one of the substances
capable of "crushing" feeling of nausea.

against nausea
is not only used in cooking many nutritious foods in summer but also used as an
effective medicine to treat morning sickness and anorexia for pregnant women.
To improve the uncomfortable feeling in the first stage of pregnancy, you can
do the following way:
Ingredients: 30g tamarind, 10g white sugar
Scrape tamarind and put into a pot to cook with
300ml water, boil thoroughly until 200ml water remains, decant the water and
remove the residue. Add sugar and stir the liquid, divide to drink 3 times/day.
Drink continuously in several days.

Regulations to reduce morning sickness
many meals a day
One of effective ways against morning
sickness is that you should not eat too much in a meal. Experts advise you to
eat about 5 meals per day and eat only a little for each meal. This way of
eating makes you not too full or too hungry. Remember that empty stomach also
increases the feeling of nausea. Foods rich in protein or carbohydrates help to
fight morning sickness effectively.
It is best that you always keep some slices
of bread or biscuit and a glass of milk near your bed in case you feel hungry
at night or in early morning.

women should eat many meals in a day instead of 3 main ones as usual.
not forget to drink water
The water amount needed for your body is
from 1.5 – 2 liters. You should try to drink water between the meals not drink
in the meal.
foods rich in nutrients
You should eat foods containing high
content of nutrients such as lean pork, egg, milk, poultry, seafood, clam; all
kinds of fruit and vegetable rich in vitamins and easy for digestion like
tomato, cabbage, orange.
mint candy in your mouth
Eating butter biscuit and mint candy is not
a bad idea.
In some cases, taking about 50mg vitamin B5
per day is a very good way. However, ask for advice from your doctor first.
not forget snack
Finally, always keep around you or in your
bag a snack to eat when feeling nauseated. Peanut or some other kinds of nut
such as melon seed, salted dry apricot… also help reduce your nauseated