The moment to recognize signals of pregnancy
in each person may be different.
You may have been pregnant 24 hours after
having sex but at this moment, women can’t recognize anything. During this
time, it takes sharp-witted women short time to recognize the signs, but a few
months for others until the next menstrual cycle. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the moment for each one to recognize the signals is going to be
The most general symptoms while being
pregnant are headaches, chest pain, mood swings and frequent urination.
Nevertheless, these symptoms are quite similar to those in your menstruation
period. Therefore, it’s not easy for women to be sure that they are pregnant
due to the early pregnancy signals.

most general symptoms while being pregnant are headaches, chest pain, mood
swings and frequent urination
When can you recognize the signals of pregnancy?
The early-pregnancy signals of women are
cramps and blood spots appeared
around the vaginal. It’s a sign of successful fertilization inside your
body. However, these signals can’t be seen commonly in early-pregnant women.
They only appear after having sex for about 1-2 weeks.
Other signals of pregnancy are mood swings,
nausea, vomiting, frequent urination, sore breast and tiring. Just the same as
the appearance of blood spots, these symptoms are quite common, but they are
not easy for everyone to recognize. These symptoms will appear after 2-3 weeks
of pregnancy. Women only recognize them after being pregnant for 6-8 weeks,
when there is no sign of periods or having used pregnancy tests.

early-pregnancy signals of pregnancy include headaches, chest pain, mood swings
and frequent urination.
Ways for accurate pregnancy detection
quick stick
Today, this is the most common and usual
test for women. By using quick sticks which is sold at pharmacies, women can
know if they are conceived or not after 7-10 days of having sex, with the
accuracy over 90%.

using quick sticks, women can know if they are conceived or not after 7-10 days
of having sex.
This test is carried out after conception about
2 weeks with the accuracy of over 90%. However, the result will be trustworthy
after 6 weeks of conception.
This test is done to detect hCG inside the
woman’s urine. The test is usually done at hospitals or clinics, and is
performed by doctors.
This is a quite common test. By the early
detection of hormone hCG in your blood, after 2 weeks of conception, doctors
will affirm whether you are pregnant or not.
the beta hCG levels
The purpose of checking hCG levels is to
know the hCG hormone content in your blood exactly. This is a very accurate
test because it can detect even when the level of hCG in your blood is
extremely low. Based on the exact levels of hCG, this kind of test supports us
on predicting the risks that can happen during pregnancy, especially ectopic
pregnancy or pregnancy risks when the level of hCG goes down dramatically.
Having an ultrasound scan within 12 weeks
since conception will help women identify pregnancy without inner examination.
Pregnant hormones soften your cervix and uterus as well as bring more blood to
the vaginal. Therefore, you can recognize vaginal and cervix with the typical
light purple color by using specialized clamps. By watching, doctors can see
your cervix getting bigger (if you are actually pregnant).

an ultrasound scan within 12 weeks since conception will help women identify
pregnancy without inner examination
Ways to increase the accuracy of the tests
The perfect time to make the test more
accurate is after the menstrual cycle. This is time to ensure the accuracy
during pregnancy. Besides, you should have the test in the morning after having
gotten up, because the urine will have required parameters at this moment. The urine test which is performed at home
will have the accuracy of 97%. The accuracy of blood test will be higher.
However, the accuracy depends mainly on the compliance of rules while taking
samples of urine, the ovulation period and the optimum time after performing
the tests and checking the sensitivity of the test methods.