Fruits are very good for our health. However, they cause
side-effects if being eaten too many.

patient should not eat too many fruits.
Don’t eat so many plums
Plum is the fruit which contains much of acid being likely
to resolve calcium, phosphorus and protein in body. Losing a great amount of
these substances will cause illness.
A lot of acid are not beneficial to your digestive system.
In addition, acid also decays tooth root, especially for children, eating
plenty of plums is easy to have teeth decay.
Eating so many tangerines is harmful for stomach
According to many experts’ researches, you should only eat
three tangerines per day at most to complement enough vitamin C content your
body needs. Eating many of tangerines will be harmful for your palate and
Especially, you had better avoid eating this fruit during
the hungry time because acid of tangerine juice will strongly stimulate stomach
membrane and affect its normal digestive absorbency.

Everyone shouldn’t
eat over three tangerines per day
Water melon causes a chill on the stomach
Water melon helps us refresh. In hot days, water melon is
the great choice but often eating it will not be good due to its cold property.
Especially, persons who have bad digestive system, pee much at night, and have
heterosexual should limit to eat water melon too much.
Persimmon obstructs digestion
Vitamin and protein are plentiful in persimmon. When they
combine with acid, they will form insoluble substance, be deposited into tiny
stones and be eliminated through defecating. Eating many persimmons will
increase deposition, accumulate many bigger stones which are hard to get out
and make digestion be obstructed.
Especially, don’t eat persimmons in your hungry state because
the more acid is at that time, the more deposition is. In contrast, if eaten
after a meal, the acid will be used up by the food, less combine with the
persimmon’s glue, and there is no deposition.
Aromatic banana inhibits blood vessel
Banana has the high magnesium content. If you eat a lot of
them while being hungry, the magnesium content increases dramatically, makes
the imbalance between the rate of Mg and Calcium, causes inhibition of blood
vessel, which is not beneficial to health. So, you had better not eat aromatic
banana when hungry.

You shouldn’t eat
aromatic banana when hungry.
7 forbidden reasons for eating jujube
Jujube contains a lot of nutrients and is also a good herbal
medicine used in oriental medicine. But if you eat many jujubes or use them
wrongly, they will become harmful.
Thus, 7 conditions for not eating jujube are as followed:
full stomach, children’s acute gingivitis, pimple rash itching, toothache,
tooth decay, jaundice, and constipation.
People catching coronary artery disease should not eat many fruits
As mentioned, eating fruit in moderate amount will nourish
the body as organic acids, inorganic salts, vitamins and cellulose...
Nevertheless, the more patients with coronary artery disease, hypertension, and
cardiovascular problem eat fruits, the worse their healthy conditions are.
In addition, fruits also contain many kinds of sugars such
as: fructose, glucose, sucrose... If you eat more, these substances will
increase the amount of cholesterol in blood; have negative impact on patients’