Quickly get in shape with the movements
inspired by dance.
As new mothers, you may lose balance
because of carrying a big abdomen in almost one year, you do not have toned
body and beautiful as before. Though you have never done a spinning dance in
your life, an exercise inspired by ballet is perfect to help you regain
stability and remove excess fat. In addition, you will have toned legs, buttocks,
upper arms, arms and hips. Don't be afraid: you don't need pointy shoes.
Jody Hoegstedt,
creative director of Balletone, an exercise program based on ballet, has
designed an exercise program for Fit Pregnancy. "These graceful and
efficient movements will enhance your muscles, your look and
coordinating", said Hoegstedt, who practiced Balletone to get in shape
after giving birth the third time. Everything you need to start is a seat and
an exercise belt (the skirt is optional).
Let's wait 6 weeks
after giving birth to start this exercise, wait a little longer if you had a
cesarean, and ask your doctor before starting this program or any exercise.
Area 1: Legs and buttocks
Hold the top of the chair with high back
for balance. Once you regain your balance, try to do these actions without
using a chair for support.
Turn back
Stand opposite with the back side of the
chair and hold it with two outstretched arms, rotate your feet and shrink your
abdomen. Point and slide your left toe forward, then spins it to the left and
back after you bend the right knee and your body a little forward. Stretch the
right leg as you sweep left toe in a circle to the back and to the starting
position. Do this movement 5 to 10 circles, then switch leg.

Kungfu standing position
Hold the back of the chair with your right
hand. Feet distance must be wider than the hips distance. Widen your feet and
shrink your abdomen. Bend the knees while lowering hips into standing posture.
Shrink the butt to stabilize your pelvis (A). Stretch your legs and lift your
left foot to the hips to create a posture (B). Turn back to standing posture.
Do it 5 to 10 times, then switch sides and repeat.

standing position
Switch to gliding position
Stand behind a chair and hold it with both
hands, straight arms, outstretched feet as the hips width and rotate out,
shrink your belly. Transfer weight to the right foot and point left toe to the
back, keep legs straight (A). Keep your hips stable, lift left leg up a few
inches to create gliding position. Press hips and hold shoulder as picture (B).
Slowly lower your left toe to the floor, end at the starting position. Do it 5
to 10 times, then switch legs.

to gliding position
Perform this exercise every 2 days, with a
day of cardiovascular exercise, yoga or Pilates or DVD exercise at home.
Start by 15 minutes of fast jogging,
marching in one place, or dance around the room with your child in your arms or
in front of your belly.
Rest for about 5 minutes by stretching the
lower back and legs and holding in at least 30 seconds
Area 2: arms, shoulders and waist
Stand straight and shrink the abdominal
muscles during doing exercise
Stretch one body side by putting arms
above the head
Stand and widen your feet, let your feet
and knees stretch out in comfort from the hip, shrink the abdomen. Put the rope
around the lower back, hold it and wrap around the hand, bend elbows and put
hands on hips. Bend knees to create a standing position when you tilt yourself
to the left and put right hand above head. Stretch your leg and lower your
right hand on the starting position. Do it 5 to 10 times, then switch sides.

one body side by putting arms above the head
Gently bend the knees and biceps
The right foot stands over a string, the
left foot points to one side. Hold an end of the rope with one hand, shrink
arms to the hips, and put palms facing thighs (A). Step the left foot back, put
it behind the right leg to create an angle; bend knees, elbows and arms
toward the chest (B). Slowly stretch your arms and legs back to starting
position. Do it 5 to 10 times, then switch sides.

bend the knees and biceps
Area 3: abdomen
Keep the string straight during the practice
Stretch and shrink your feet as ballet
Sit on the floor, have your knees bent and your
feet bunched together. Wind the string around the foot, keep the string between
two knees. Lie down with extended knees, two feet touching the floor, arms
outstretching and fingers touching the knees. Keep the elbows bent when you
lift your head and shoulders up. Pull fists toward the chest and bend the
biceps. Slowly stretch your arms when you bend body to the floor. Do it 5 to 10

and shrink your feet as ballet style