You should have caesarean when you get
nomination of doctors.
The rate of caesarean is higher and higher.
But this method is only necessary if mothers and fetuses have problem before
and in time of giving birth.
Caesarean is a surgery that is assigned when
the process of beginning labor cannot progress or there is problem threatening
life of mother and fetuses.

should have caesarean when you get nomination of doctors.
Only have caesarean when you get nomination of doctors
According to recommendation of medical
experts, caesarean is carried out for compulsory cases that cannot give birth
In general, caesarean is assigned in the
following cases:
Hipbone is narrow, fetus is deformed or too big
(over 400grams) while hipbone is too small and inappropriate between fetus and
pelvis of mothers.
Having a lot of fetuses at the same time
Womb has sign of breaking, spasm of womb is weak
and this thing makes process of giving birth last. It isn’t effective to any
Bleeding a lot before giving birth
Pregnant women give the first birth when they
are over 35 years old.
Pregnant women catch serious and medium high
blood pressure, they used to cure, but it isn’t well again.
Pregnant women have heart disease when they are
Having history of giving birth difficultly
Having antecedence of surgery: used to operate
womb, stitches in surgery aren’t good, after surgery, you have inflammation…

women that are over 35 years old and give the first birth will be assigned to
have caesarean.
Choked in womb, distressed; curing isn’t
Fetus in mother’s womb lacks oxygen.
Navel cord is broken early.
Fetus’s heart isn’t good.
Function of placenta reduces. As a result, fetus
develops slowly in womb. Being pregnant in a long time, but mothers don’t have any
sign of giving birth (over 42 weeks).
Position of fetus isn’t correct. Presentation is
unusual such as horizontal presentation, contrary presentation. Unusual
presentation is such as horizontal, chin is behind the first presentation;
mother cannot give birth through vagina in the first time of giving birth…
Taking surgery to take fetus out without
assigning before
Beginning labor is slow and difficult or it can
be stopped completely.
Baby has sign of distressed fetus such as
fetus’s heart rate is fast or slow.
Baby’s size is too big and mother cannot give
birth normally.
Problems relate to placenta, forward placenta
and some reasons that cause hemorrhage to give birth normally.
Other reasons: Mothers have serious history of
obstetrics: fetus died in the womb many times, fetus died in the womb before
taking labor.
Complications that can take place
To mothers
Complications are caused by surgery such as
damaging contiguous organs (bladder, bowel), leakage of bladder-womb, leakage
of bladder-vagina, bleeding because of touching artery of womb and bleeding
because of ragging in a part below.
Infection: It can be inflammation of incision,
urinary, lung inflammation. The popular cases are infection of incision, amnion
that can cause peritonitis – this thing can lead to cutting womb in
postoperative time.
Intestinal adhesion, ileus, obstructed oviduct
can lead to childlessness.
Endothelia of womb
Scar on the body of womb can be cracked after
times of being pregnant (crack in and after taking labor).
To babies
Fetus can be affected by anesthetic, have injury
in making surgery.
Breath amniotic fluid; newborn pernicious
respiratory failure without element of taking labor
Not secrete producing hormones, release
surfactant that can cause disease in endothelium.
Not reabsorb lung fluid through lung lymph, so
the amount of fluid in lung is high.
If babies are born through caesarean, they can
easily be resulted from choking syndrome more than those that are born
normally. The reason is that giving birth normally will improve alveolus and
give good condition for automatic respiration of fetus after being born.

can be affected by anesthetic, have injury in surgery.
Giving birth normally can make vagina open.
In addition, it is useful for discharging reproductive fluid and it is also
useful for restoring womb after giving birth.
In the previous time, there isn’t any
document that admits the difference between babies that are born normally and
through caesarean. However, a recent research in Finland shows that reactions
to protect immune of babies that are born through caesarean aren’t as sensitive
as those that are born normally.
Pregnant women that are going to be mothers
need to understand this thing to have scientific and appropriate decisions. In
addition, you must have responsibility with giving or accepting request of
making surgery to take fetus due to hour. You shouldn’t let outside ideas
affect giving birth of yourselves and this thing is because of safeness of the
child that you are going to give birth.