Natural foods contain a lot of vitamins and
minerals. They not only make women young and have slender waist but also
prevent many diseases.
Fruits belonging to berry
Fruits that belong to berry help protect
our body by nutrients that prevent substance creating cancer: anthocyan. This
nutrient helps restore cells. These fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and folic
acid, so they are very useful for women in pregnancy. Berry contains
antioxidant that not only protects heart but also prevents our body from
getting old.
Especially, cranberry also improves
eyesight, reduces the risk of urethra’s inflammation – the risk that can happen
to any women at any age.

that belong to berry help protect our body by nutrient anthocyan that prevents
substance creating cancer.
Walnut helps increase women’s reproductive
ability. You should eat foods that are rich in omega-3 fat acid such as walnut.
Omega-3 fat acid is used to produce eicosanoids stimulant that increases the
quantity of blood carried to womb. As a result, it will improve the chance of
being pregnant and give good conditions for fetus’s development. Omega-3 also
helps reduce the risk of premature birth and light weight.
Yoghurt with less fat
This kind of yoghurt is rich in calcium and
protein. It is women’s ideal choice. According to nutritious experts, yoghurt
is the source providing enough calcium that prevents osteoporosis. Absorbing
yoghurt every day will help you prevent the risk of breast cancer, bowel syndrome
that stimulates or makes digestion trouble. In addition, yoghurt also prevents stomach’s
tumor and gynecological inflammation.
Fish containing a lot of omega
Fish contain a lot of omega-3 (fat fish)
such as salmon, sardine, tuna and codfish. They help reduce the risk of forming
clotted blood. This case can be seen in people who take contraceptive.
According to health experts, fat fish will protect users from the diseases that
relate to heart, stroke, high blood pressure, depression and arthralgia,
rheumatism and reproductive problems.
Moreover, these fish also improve the state
of patients who catch Alzheimer. People proved that omega-3 can support brain
to develop completely, improve fetus’s eyesight and children who are sucking.
In addition, it will help women avoid stress and depression…

will protect users from the diseases that relate to heart, stroke, high blood
pressure, depression and arthralgia, rheumatism and reproductive problems.
Plants belonging to bean
Bean contains less fat and cholesterol. In
addition, it is rich in protein and fiber that are good for health. Bean
supports for the competition against heart disease and breast cancer.
Especially, plants that belong to bean are good for people who used to catch or
are catching colon cancer. Besides, bean is source that provides perfect
vegetable vitamins for women that are spending critical age.
Papaw contains an impressed quantity of
potassium and vitamin C that help body balance sodium’s harmless effect in
blood pressure. Papaw is a wonderful remedy. It is not only delicious and sweet
with bright, smooth and succulent skin but also a usefully nutritious source
for people’s health.

is a wonderful remedy.
Researchers also recognize that papaw not
only improves digestive process and immune system, prevents swell, inflammation
but also protects lungs and helps bones become stable. Besides, papaw also has
a wonderful usage – it can prevent hormones that cause diabolic cancers. However,
among them, breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men are enemies that
everyone worries.
Tomato is a usual food. It is useful for
everyone with all of ages, especially women. Tomatoes contain lycopene - an
amount of extremely strong antioxidants that help reduce the risk of breast
cancer. In addition, according to nutritious experts, eating many tomatoes will
help women become younger and more slender.

many tomatoes will help women become younger and more slender.
Broccoli is very useful in preventing women’s
popular cancers (breast cancer and lung cancer…) According to scientists’
research, broccoli contains sulforaphane – a compound that prevents cancer. It
makes developing process of breast cancer’s cells become slow and act on so
that they can destroy themselves. In addition, another compound in broccoli,
indole-3-carbinol, will repress estrogens that improve the development of
breast cancer’s cells when they break into the body. Moreover, women can improve
portion with cabbage such as cress, green cabbage.

is very useful in preventing women’s popular cancers.
Garlic is the spice that helps meals become
more delicious. It also cures some diseases that relate to fungus, especially
vagina fungus that is popular to women.
Therefore, prevention is the best choice and
you can begin with yoghurt in your fridge. You can eat garlic to prevent
bacteria that cause fungus. You only need to eat 2 branches of garlic every
day. You can eat garlic without cooking or use in some dishes.