The following foods will help pregnant women
escape from obsession of constipation.
1. Carrot
Carrot contains a lot of beta carotene,
vitamin B9, carotene and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, protein, fat, raw
fiber, Fe, calcium, phosphorus that can regulate bowel and are laxative. They
can help belly become at ease. When you are pregnant, you only need to eat
carrot soup with once/day and eat continuously 3-5days, or using carrot juice
is also effective for curing constipation.

is effective for curing constipation.
2. Fig
Fig contains many kinds of vitamin,
fractoza, and dextroza… that are wonderful for pregnant women catching
constipation in pregnancy. In addition, people consider fig food that contains
more fiber than any green vegetable and fruit.
Pregnant women can cure constipation by
simmering 9 grams of fresh fig to drink every day, or eat 3-5 ripe figs every
day. Fig helps pregnant women be aperient better if they eat without
eliminating peel. When you choose fig, you should choose figs that have dark
color and have aroma. Fig is one of the fruits that are easily addled, so you
only keep it in 1-2 days. If there isn’t fresh fig, you can use fried figs to

figs without eliminating peel will be more effective to pregnant women.
3. Sweet potato
Sweet potato contains less fat and it
doesn’t have cholesterol. Its component has a lot of fiber, so both bulb and
vegetable of sweet potato can be cooked into many dishes that can help pregnant
women be aperient and prevent constipation.
Eating sweet potato with suitable level
(100grams/day) is very useful for digestive system because component of vitamin
C and Amin acids that can stimulate bowel and make the process of digesting
food become easier. But pregnant women should pay attention that eating a lot
of sweet potato can lead to obesity, indigestion because of odd sugar.
4. Banana
Banana is rich in fiber, so it has laxative
effect and helps avoid constipation. Therefore, pregnant women should eat
banana every day. When you feel hungry, you can eat 2 bananas or simmer banana
(including peel). It is aperient and diuretic. In addition, it also reduces
phenomenon of having bowel movements with blood.
Pregnant women should eat ripe banana or banana
that is cooked, shouldn’t eat green banana.

has a lot of fiber that are good for pregnant women having constipation.
5. Seaweed
Alga alkane Mannitol component in seaweed
is a kind of sugar that has low content of calories. It helps bring up bacteria
that are useful for bowel, makes food digest quickly and early eliminates
residue in bowel. As a result, bowel becomes clean; it helps increase ability
of absorbing calcium. Therefore, seaweed becomes food that can pregnant women
prevent constipation and improve discharge effectively.
6. Pumpkin
Pumpkin has natural sweet taste and it is
safe. Pumpkin is one of the useful foods to pregnant women. It is a plentiful
source of vitamin A, C, E and B6. Moreover, pumpkin is rich of content of Fe
and Zn that can help provide blood for body, prevent popular anemia to pregnant
women. Besides, pumpkin is rich of fiber, make mothers aperient and prevent
constipation and hemorrhoids that many pregnant women have to face.
7. Apple
Apple is rich in content about useful
minerals such as potassium, magnesium, Fe, phosphorus Mangan, sulfur and
pectin. Moreover, apple contains insoluble fiber that can prevent constipation
and soluble fiber that can reduce cholesterol.
However, pregnant women should be careful
in choosing to buy apples that don’t contain preservative or are sprayed with insecticide.
If you have condition, it’s the best for you to eat 1-2 apples every day.

women should eat from 1 to 2 apples every day.
8. Asparagus
Asparagus has low content of sugar,
contains less fat and a lot of fiber. Asparagus is also considered a food that
can help lose weight. Moreover, asparagus contain a lot of water and fiber that
are good for pregnant women that have constipation.
9. Ripe papaw
Pregnant women should provide this fruit to
your daily menu immediately because papaw has ability to support for digestion
and prevents constipation. Pulp of ripe papaw is source that provides plentiful
fiber. It contains papain, an enzyme that digests protein and some components
that can prevent constipation.