Preparing thoughtfully will help you have a
healthy pregnancy.
1. Eliminate contraceptive
Before deciding to be pregnant, mothers
should consider kind of medicine that both husband and wife are using
carefully. The best way is that you shouldn’t use it if it isn’t really
important in this time. To contraceptive, you should give up it at least 3
months before deciding to be pregnant.
Stop using contraceptive will help women better
follow how menstrual cycle takes place. Due to this thing, women will define
the time when ovum falls and ability of being pregnant is the best.
2. Give up cigarette and wine
Drinking wine and smoking cigarette will directly
affect reproductive ability of husbands and wives. Smoking cigarette will
affect quality of ovum to wives and quality of sperm to husbands.
Women that smoke cigarette before and in
the time of pregnancy, fetus will have the risk of defect, miscarriage and
premature birth and this rate is very high. In estimation, 13% of obstetrical
accidents relates to smoking cigarette.
In reality, women that often smell smoke of
cigarette have to face pregnant risk more than people that don’t contact with
cigarette smoke.
Many parents make plan to give up wine and
cigarette, but they aren’t successful. Hoping appearance of a baby will be big
motivation that can help them give up this bad habit.

smoke will make the risk of defect to fetus increase.
3. Limit to use caffeine
Many women have habit of drinking coffee in
working day. Many mothers feel difficult to finish a lot of work without a cup
of morning coffee.
Doctors advise that the safe content of
caffeine to use is 100mg/day. Moreover, they also advise pregnant women give up
coffee in pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months.
Besides, pregnant women also consider kinds
of drink that contain caffeine such as soda, tea and some kinds of reliever.
Before using the above kinds, pregnant
women should read the content on packing carefully. A glass of tea can contains
30-60mg of caffeine, 2 Excedrin tablets contain 130mg caffeine.
4. Weight index
Before deciding to be pregnant, husband and
wife should follow weight index of both. If husband/wife is too fat or thin,
both of them should practice to have balanced body. BMI index that is suitable
is in gap between 19 and 24.
An enduring and healthy body will helps
fathers improve the quality of sperm. Moreover, mothers will have a safe
pregnancy, and they will face complication and risk less.
Both husband and wife should create the
habit of doing exercise every day. The simple way is that walking some periods
in a week or registering a course to practice health. Mothers should maintain
to do exercise after being pregnant.
5. Go to the cinema
If you are excited about new films in the theatre,
you shouldn’t miss the time before being pregnant to do this favorite habit.
When you become a pregnant woman, it’s
uncomfortable to seat at one place in many hours. Some other inconveniences are
going to toilet, dozing without knowing although the film is attractive. So,
this thing will make pregnant women feel bored.
6. Prepare finance
It is an important preparation for the
couples who intend to have a baby in the near future.
Having a savings account for the purpose of
giving birth will help women feel safe in maternity period and looking after
their children at home.
Although many families have considered
carefully, in fact, spending for baby is still more expensive than expected. Therefore,
it is better if from now, you have a finance plan that is specific and
particular for future to welcome the new member.
7. Provide nutrients
You should provide vitamins every day from
3 to 6 months before being pregnant. Vitamin that is important to provide is
folic acid with content 400mg/day.
If fetus receives enough vitamin of group B
before and early in pregnancy, they can reduce inborn defects in brain and
backbone to 70%.
Besides providing kinds of synthetic
vitamin, pregnant women need to provide Fe to prevent anemia, calcium supports
for teeth and bone.

women should take medicine after having breakfast and drink regularly every
8. Have enough sleep
In pregnancy, pregnant women often toss and
turn, lose sleep. There are many reasons that cause pain in flank continuously.
As a result, they wake up many times in night to go to toilet or have
But this time you aren’t pregnant women.
You should have enough sleep to have stable health. Many researches show that
women that sleep under 8 hours/day often have disorder about menstruation more
than those who have enough sleep.
9. Get rid of stress
Stressed mentality can affect ability of
becoming pregnant or pregnant women. Disorder about mentality makes cycle about
falling of ovum of women change.
Women should let loose body and calculate
about way to solve to limit negative things. Not all of the things are perfect!

psychology will help becoming pregnant more easily.
Psychological experts consider that there
isn’t prescription to help people get rid of stress. But women can apply simple
therapies to help you feel optimistic and have less worry such as:
Spend 15 minutes before going to bed on things
that takes place in day
Read some pages of books before going to bed
Write diary regularly