Eating tea in an incorrect way can be
harmful to health.
Tea is a favorite and popular drink to many
people. However, not all people know about harmful effects of this drink when using
it in an incorrect way.

is a favorite and popular drink to many people.
The following things are forbidden to
people that have habit of drinking tea:
Drinking tea when feeling hungry and full
If you drink tea when you feel hungry, it
will make you get tea sick and feel unpleasant, sick, dizzy. In addition,
drinking tea when you feel hungry will make salivary gland’s operation reduce
and make absorption of protein in food reduce.
If you drink tea when you feel full, tea
can make gastric juice of stomach weak, which can affect process of digesting
and absorbing food. Moreover, tea contains the content of oxalic acid. Oxalic
acid will react with Fe and protein in food and it will affect the process of
absorbing these 2 nutrients. Therefore, you shouldn’t drink tea about 20
minutes before and after eating.
Drinking tea with incorrect way can be
harmful to health.
Drinking tea before going to bed
If you drink tea before going to bed, it
will help your mind become excited. In addition, it can affect sleep and it can
even make you lose sleep. Hence, the best way is that about 2 hours before
going to bed, you shouldn’t drink tea.
Drinking the first water of tea
In the period of planting, processing and
packing finished-product, kinds of tea can catch repellent, fertilizer and
dust. Therefore, you should get rid of the first water when you drink tea
because it just has effect of washing tea. This way can neutralize complex
bacteria that are harmful to health.

should get rid of the first water when you drink tea because it just has effect
of washing tea.
Drinking tea that is too hot can stimulate
throat, gullet and stomach and makes them have burned feeling. Moreover, the
habit of drinking too hot tea can affect other internal organs in the body,
especially stomach.
Drinking tea that is kept overnight
Drinking tea that is kept in a long time,
especially overnight, will make it change color, degenerate. Moreover, vitamin
B and vitamin C can be decomposed gradually. In addition, the content of
caffeine in tea also increases highly. If you drink a lot of tea, it will
stimulate center of nerve and makes your body feel unpleasant. You should drink
tea about 4-6 minutes after making.
Drinking tea that has bad quality
It’s difficult to preserve tea, especially
in cold season. If tea is kept in a long time, it will become degenerate, has
bad quality, then the content of germ and harmful substances will increase. You
may not know this thing.
Besides, tannin in tea will destroy
wonderful effect of medicine and it will make medicine become useless.
Some cases when you shouldn’t drink tea
Leaves of green tea contain oxalate – this
is one of substances that lead to forming of urinary stone. Therefore, people
that catch urinary stone can make the state of disease increase if they drink a
lot of tea.
Stomach contains solvent of phosphate
ester. Activity of this solvent is inhibited by tannin in tea. When activity of
this solvent is inhibited, cells of stomach wall will secrete a big quantity of
stomach acids and it can make stomachache become more serious.
that have constipation
Secreting of digestive fluid in stomach
reduces because of caffeine in tea. In addition, operation of peristaltic bowel
is also slow. The result is that discharging becomes difficult and it will
cause constipation.
of coronary artery
Tea contains the big content of caffeine,
theophylline – substance that causes excitement and intensifies mechanical
energy of heart. Therefore, people that catch coronary artery disease, strong
heart rate and vibration of atrium, and drink condensed tea will make heart
beat faster and faster. As a result, this thing will make the state of disease
blood pressure
Caffeine in tea has effect in causing
excitement for center of nerve. Hence, if people that have high blood pressure
drink a lot of tea, especially condensed tea, their blood pressure will become
higher and this will be harmful to health.

people have high blood pressure, they shouldn’t drink a lot of tea.